Chapter 13

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I smiled as I followed Sapphire and Pearl to our secret base. It's been awhile since I've had a dream like this. These are the rare times where I can see and touch my alters. I treasure these times because I can see my only two friends and besides that, they're not in my mind when this happens. Still, they are in my mind but they're also not whenever I'm having this kind of dream.

I sat on the ground, feeling the soft green grass touch my skin. It was noon here but it felt cold. Sapphire took a seat beside me while Pearl decided to sit in front of us whilst she faced us. We were silent for awhile. I was smiling at them while Pearl was probably thinking and Sapphire was humming with her eyes closed.

"It feels so good when this happens." Sapphire laid on the ground with a content sigh. Pearl nodded whilst I grinned at Sapphire.

Pearl then began to play with the grass, "It's been a while." She took a couple of grass and began tying them together. I didn't know what she was trying to do but I assumed she was making a bracelet or a necklace.

Again, we were silent.

We like to be like this whenever we're together. We enjoy each other's comforting warmth and silence. It's somewhat like a way for us to escape from our life. But we know this is temporary so we do our best to enjoy each moment we have with each other.

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