Special Privilege

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  Anne's hands trembled anxiously. Endlessly tapping her foot, she was trying not to fidget on the rock she sat on. Interlacing her fingers to suppress their shaking, she kept them under her chin. Pan was pacing in front of her, her eyes following in earnest. He was waiting for something but what, exactly? "Are you finished?" She asked him, assuming he was contemplating on how to get Felix's heart. He ignored her, internally trying to shake the odd tremors that would ripple through his body, prickling his skin. Something was off and he couldn't put a finger on it. "Pan," she assertively addressed him, finally pulling herself to her feet.
        He suddenly halted make Anne's entire body harden. "Do you have it?" She gasped, her green orbs widening. Pan lifted a finger almost shushing her. He had yet to look at her. "Do you think it's a bad idea?" She asked.
        "I think it's a perfect idea, I'll get it for you and you can crush it," he finally spoke. Despite herself, Anne didn't want to hear those words. She was almost sure she'd change her mind about the whole thing. Felix was her one, life-long endeavor and to suddenly think about taking advantage of his heart, frightened her. But she had told Pan she wanted to do it for the sake of their 'love'. She said that once Felix was gone, nothing would distract her and she'd willingly belong to Pan completely. 
        "But, I want to learn how to do it myself," she confessed, balling her fists to suffocate the tingling desperation in her fingertips.
        Pan arched a brow, "Absolute waste of time," he replied. He didn't truly believe it'd be a waste of time, he just didn't entirely trust it.
        "But that's not fair, he's my brother, I should be allowed to end his life." Her own words threw her off, sounding especially foreign. She suddenly felt cold, darkened. "That way, I can forget about it and he won't be in the way of my happiness," she exaggerated her reasoning.
        "And you'll get that special privilege," Pan replied, heartlessly, finally looking at her. She didn't recognize her reflection in his eyes, shivering when she noticed. Her stomach felt sick in that moment. She hurriedly nodded in response. Pan then suddenly painfully tensed.  
        "What's wrong?" Anne rushed out. His eyes had squeezed shut and when his body was relieved of his restraints, he opened them again. They faded from a solid black to their regular silver. He shivered once, his chest heaving. Something was wrong, something was very wrong. Anne was coming to realize the uneasiness Pan began conveying when he obscured it.
        "I'll get it for you, and you'll crush it, tonight."

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