The Skeleton Key

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            "What the hell is going on?" The blue-eyed messenger boy panicked. At first, he was hazy, until the rather violent confrontation forced him to become alert.

"Oh, I think you know exactly what's going on," Pan sneered.

"I want answers!" Benjamin demanded. "Now," he growled.

Hemlock was startled by the boy's aggression. At last, the boy's assertion was burning through just as Hemlock incessantly pushed it to be; he just hadn't expected the assertion would be on him so violently. Truth was, Hemlock never believed in Benjamin, that was why he bullied him--to have the power he had so secretly craved for years upon years.

"You heard the boy," Pan cooled, "answers! I'll get them from you either way..." The restrained lost boy remained stubbornly quiet. "Anwen is dead, Hemlock." That was when Hemlock's face hardened into a scowl, glaring and clenching his jaw. It was only fair, after all, they had got him out here and he was going to die either way now. He knew Pan better than that. He debated just staying quiet, though when he glanced at Benjamin, he felt immense remorse for what he had done to the boy. They used to be brothers before Pan had casted the curse, and the pain began glimmering through his eyes.

"I want to know why you tried to kill me," Benjamin began. The old messenger boy straightened as much as he could, uncomfortably swallowing.

"Tell Pan to stop holding me against this tree first, then I'll tell you everything you want to know," Hemlock attempted to negotiate. "You can trust me..."

Pan couldn't help but chuckle. "You're joking, right?"

Hemlock stayed silent, expressing how serious he was.

Benjamin tilted his head, eyeing him suspiciously.

Pan and Felix simultaneously glanced between the two boys, feeling the tension.

"No," Benjamin spoke, at last.

"That's enough," Pan exhaled then abruptly, Hemlock cried out, startling Benjamin. In Pan's vice grip was Hemlock's heart. The lost boy cried out in agonizing pain. "Now tell us why you tried to kill Benjamin!"

Hemlock tried to resist Pan's command, faltering and pained in the face. "Anwen--she promised she'd save my life...if I did," he confessed against his will.

"What would she have to gain from taking Benjamin's life?" Pan inquired.

"He...he hurt her, when he thought she was Anne. He ran the moment he discovered it was really her.."

Pan glanced over at Benjamin in realization. The lost boy shied away guiltily, unable to meet Pan's eyes. "I see," Pan then mumbled. Benjamin clenched his jaw.

"MY turn!" Taking the heart from Pan's hand, Benjamin stared daggers into Hemlock's gaze. "I thought you were sincerely helping me save Anne and Felix, had your negotiation with Anwen been set that entire time?"

Hemlock once again, tried to resist until Ben's grip tightened. "Gah! Yes, alright, yes! I was playing along, trying to gain your trust," he mumbled weakly.

Benjamin hesitated asking about the kiss. He didn't want to understand it, but at the same time, he couldn't help himself. "Give us a minute," he told Pan, slightly turning his head in his direction.

The keeper gave him a slight look of disbelief, before he finally just got up.

Hemlock peered at Benjamin with the slightest smirk. He knew what this was about. Benjamin couldn't help but mirror the bitter curl of his lips. "Trust," he spat, slightly amused.

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