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A.N. Go on, process the ending of that last chapter...-patiently waits-...apparently Pan wants to present Anne--his escape artist--what could that possibly mean? He's holding Benjamin's heart in her face, telling her to crush it. How do you think she's going to escape this? Can she escape it? 

Something I want to note, Pan was a bit lust driven in that chapter, don't you think? In my noting, I'd just like to point out how extreme this may be for some readers, and I want you guys to know that from the beginning of this story, every chapter has been a bit extreme, have they not? 

Essentially, this story is an extreme one, and it's going to be consistently extreme. Prepare for a possible sex scene is all I'm saying, not that there's going to be one, but just prepare like there is. Reason being, I never know what I'm going to do, I may set endeavors for a less complex chapter/story, but I never minimize to those less complex chapters, if you haven't already noticed. 

I really like to take risks and this chapter may have stepped a boundary. Pan was originally an old man, but he's not now. He's much younger in both the mind and outward appearance, so a sex scene wouldn't necessarily be too "illegal". I'm telling you right now, I don't plan for one, I'm not completely comfortable with it...but just in case. If there will be one, I'll place a warning in bold and italics at the top of the chapter that has it. Plus, I'll have written chapters leading up to it. And the scene will be very, very vague in wording so it may not be graphic. 

And I'm saying this now in case I don't get around to it in time. So just prepare for extremities like that, whether these extremities will be sexual, or just extremities in plot sections (ex. main character death, major advancement of control for a villain, major advancement of control for a hero, etc.)...if you're uncomfortable with these possible extremities, then you've probably not been very passionate for the previous chapters. 

As I've said, I really like to take risks, and with that, I also like to expand my knowledge and understanding in some/with areas/styles of writing. I may be a tad inappropriate XD but, as I've said, it's all to expand my understanding. And, again, I'll warn you guys if there's any sexual activity in chapters...

Concluding this, I want to tell you guys about a panfiction I've started to reconstruct and pursue along with this one. It's called "Fade Me", it's about a girl who's grown a hatred for males as a result of being bullied as a little girl, because her parents were two women in love, in a land where the ideal happy ending was originally a male and female to be in love. Because of her different type of parents, she was bullied.

As a little girl, she comes across Peter Pan who's the first boy not to judge her, but because of the circumstances he had to live in, he couldn't pursue a friendship with her. Well...fatefully, they come across each other again, but are both living in completely different circumstances from when they first met as children. And both learn from each other, and may be able to "fade" or "change" one another. 

So if you're interested or you're bored, or waiting for an update for this story, please go check it out. It's already uploaded and has about three chapters. I'm not demanding you guys to look at it, you really don't have to if you don't want to, but I'd greatly appreciate it. I don't ask for favors often, and that's on purpose, so I'm asking just this once right now. 

As I've said, I'd greatly appreciate it, I'm excited for it and love if more of you guys could be too. 

Ultimately concluding this entire message, I love you all, you keep me going as a writer. Without you guys, I may have given up. So thank you for all your wonderful support, and beautiful comments, and...amusing comments that truly make my day! Again, I love you all, and I hope you enjoyed that last chapter...and....thank you for reading! More updates soon, as always <3

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