"Talk about a rock in a hard place."

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Walking around the two half eaten bodies, Rumple was chilled and frightened, but sustaining his fears. Lighting a fire ball in his hand, he checked to make sure it was as bright as before. His heart racing, he caught his breath when he felt the same strength of his powers he was used to feeling, surge through him, and he tried to calm. Putting the fire ball out, his eyes gazed into the night time sky. "Malcolm!" He barked, angry. "MALCOLM!"

            "Looking for someone?" a voice lifted from behind him. He then whirled around and saw him. His father of course. Pan then laughed mirthlessly. "Having a nightmare, or perhaps you're already in one?" He then chuckled. Rumple suddenly yanked him forth by his shirt.

            "YOU! You did this, DEMON!" Rumple was snapping and growling in his face, looking like some sort of infuriated hell hound. Pan showed off his most ingenious frown, of course it was fake.

            "Demon?" He then snickered devilishly and flashed Rumple a nasty grin, before he vanished. Panicked, Rumple spun around to the vacant camp once more. Nostrils flaring, he stomped towards the cold fire pit that had been left behind by the dead that rested there. Still boiling with anger, he used both his hands and began pouring fire into the pit, relieving himself from his rage. Finally he stopped, snatching his hands back and relaxing. Breathing heavily, his head shot around, searching.

            "Of course I killed them," Pan spoke, floating a few feet back from the fire. Rumple looked over. "I couldn't just let them go uninformed of my new power."

            "What was the point?! They are DEAD now!" Rumple snapped, his anger returning as his chest heaved. Pan then laughed.

            "Exactly," he then put out the fire with his magic and floated down. "Would you like to drive everyone in?" He asked, addressing the attention the fire could bring.

            "If that'd mean your death," Rumple then pushed through his teeth, tense.

            "Certainly not, I'm actually looking forward to our next reunion..." Rumple gave Pan a puzzled and worried look. Chuckling once more, Pan continued, "I'm only looking out for you," he pointed to his son, "because last time I checked you were trying to avoid the savior and her little rescue party."

            "I'm not trying to avoid them," he hissed.

            "Then you're running. Scared. Coward," Pan smiled, intrigued. Rumple chuckled, looking to the side a moment.

            "I'm merely picking a greater side," he refused to look intimidated.

Pan lifted his brows, "You're joining me?"

            "My own...side," Rumple corrected.

            "You actually think you are more powerful then all of us?" Pan couldn't help but laugh.

            "I know your little game," Rumple narrowed his eyes.

            "It's nothing little," Pan snapped, tensing. "It will be your downfall, and all the others behind you."

Rumple then looked surprised. "And then what will you have left? Anne? She will never love you, just like mother."

Pan lifted his brows opening his mouth to speak, when he was cut off. "You raped her, you're disgusting--"

            "Really?" Pan gave Rumple a puzzled expression, "because she wasn't saying that," he laughed darkly, "the night I claimed her as my own. In fact she wanted more, she said she needed more, that she loved me so much, that I was beautiful," he laughed some more. "I actually wasn't much older than this. And neither was she." Pan then looked hateful. "So yes, if you're wondering, you were a mistake. You have always been a burden, and to her even when she was alive. She hated you, why do you think she killed herself? Those letters she wrote you were out of guilt that she just couldn't love you. You ruined her life."

The Shadow's Keeper ~OUAT Peter Panfiction (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now