Ultimately Raw

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            "Stunned, are you, Pan? What...did you think I would just...sit around and cry after you left?" Anne spoke with a mirthless smile as tears pricked in her eyes.

Pan narrowed his eyes at her, curiously.

"I found it, your little sob stories you kept inside some old book beneath the floor boards--"

"How'd you--" Pan began but was hastily cut off, immediately uncomfortable in the face.

"Oh don't play dumb, Pan. You planned to tell me, didn't you? That's why you took me to the tree house. That has to mean there's still some part of you that believes in love--"

"Take a breath, darling," Peter exasperated, "maybe I wanted to tell you about some things, though that shortly changed after I realized you wouldn't' be able to handle it--"

"Oh yeah?" Anne tested. "Because I wouldn't let you rape me I wouldn't understand that your precious Lydia killed herself just after having a baby that wasn't yours?? That she cheated on you and you felt obligated to get the best of the next person that looked just like her?!" Anne exploded, almost instantly remorseful at the pained, raw look on Pan's face. She had planned to take things slower, though she couldn't hold back.

"How'd you know it was Rumple, Anna..." Peter spoke firmly and cautiously, his eyes never losing the focus on her face.

"Isn't it obvious?? You two are just a like. You know I was surprised you didn't burn all those little entries about the pain you felt, the mistakes you made--all the evidence that you were once human," she shot back, angry tears streaming down her cheeks. "That's why you abandoned him, isn't it??? To become this monster and run from the past? Though the ONLY truth here, is that you still dwell, going around with some idea that everyone else is to blame for YOUR own actions!!"

"She was the one that cheated on me!!" Pan suddenly barked, "and Rumple was never mine to take care of, he was this clingy, whiny little BRAT who was too stupid to realize his own mother left him, and his father--his REAL father never loved him to stick around and raise him!!"

"You could have been BETTER than that, Pan! Or Malcolm! That little boy needed you more than anything and you just threw him away like he was nothing--"

"That's because he WAS nothing, he was nothing to me and I never hated anything more in my entire life!!"

"Because he was your reminder that you screwed up?! That you let this woman you thought you loved, break your heart?? And you know, you are just like Rumple's real father--"

"Shut your mouth!!" Pan barked some more, angrily pointing at her.

Snatching up a heavy rock, she then threw it toward him, missing him, "you know what, Pan?!" She threw another rock, "I don't blame her for leaving you, you're nothing but a selfish asshole whom I've NEVER hated anything more in my entire life!!!" She then angrily threw another rock that hit Pan in his stomach, causing his upper body to lunge forward. Her eyes popped wide in realization.

Struggling to catch his breath, he intensely groaned in frustration. He then sprung back up, snarling as his fists tightly clenched. The sight startled Anne and she began to panic. She then repeatedly cursed, her breathing quickening as she desperately peered around more something else.

Growling, Peter darted. Anne immediately braced herself.

"AHHHHH!!" She then screamed as she ran at him, throwing herself at him and tackling him to the rocks. Pan's body hitting the large stones first, dust exploded and his eyes fell closed.

Breathlessly, Anne lifted her head and peered down at him. Gasping at how unconscious she made him, she wasted no time to climb up from his chest, and ran passed him. She wanted to call for help so the group would find her but she didn't want to risk waking Pan up.

As she descended off the rocks and darted across the sandy bank, she desperately pulled herself up over the ledge of bank's walls. She struggled, trying to find something to grip and get herself on top of the forest floor. Unable to help her arms, she tiredly fell from off the ledge and hit the moist sand. She then stared straight ahead at Pan's seemingly lifeless body. Terror suddenly grasped her.

She hadn't killed him, had she? She had attempted it before, but she couldn't will herself to do it. What if she finally had this time? Her breathing hitching as her eyes never left his body, she used her hands to pull herself up against the tall edge of the bank. Should I?..she asked herself in her mind, though she was already hesitantly nearing the rocks.

Taking a step onto the first rock, she was throttled into alarm when she saw him begin to groan and move. Panicking, she silently cursed as she ran at the bank again. She then threw herself up and triumphantly caught the ledge with her arms. Her brother's heart rapidly pounding, she could feel it in her ears. Desperately pulling up, her boots incessantly slid down.

Exasperatedly crying out, she couldn't help herself. "No-no-no, no," she found herself repeatedly mumbling, feeling herself begin to slip, "No, god, please--no!" She cried, sheer distress and weakness on her face. In that moment, she swore she was doomed.

A.N. So there you have it, all of Pan's secrets--why he's so bitter and hateful toward his supposed son, and why he tried to rape Anne. Though hold your breath because Anne's currently hanging off a ledge, about to fall as Pan's waking up. You think she's going to get away? Also, I've been reading your comments about the crossover, and a third book--it's so great you guys are interested! More updates soon!

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