39- Culprit

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Alex P.O.V

This was an irate finding. I furiously glared at the pen. The black body and the gold tattooed words 'Hunter's Enterprise' on it. It's definitely mine and it's obviously who I think it is.

If the flash is missing after what happened to Keila and this pen was found in her car, then I had no doubt who did this. He just had to draw my ire!

"Your company's pen?" Keila asks astounded as she advances towards me and skeptically watches the pen in my grip.

Her bulging eyes meets my eyes "Wait. What's it doing there?".

I don't bother to explain. From the way her eyes searchs mine, I know she's been able to put things together.

David excuses himself. Leaving us to discuss.

"Wait. It's that Derrick isn't it?". Gomez says with a questioning squint.

I heavy an apopletic breath. I have him now and it's going to take a lot of cooling to not punch him senseless.

"Yes. It is him. This pen only belongs to three people except me. Lucas, Heather and Derrick. I gave this pen to them when I promoted them early this year. Everything points to him" I say, very infruriated. I glower into space for a while before focusing my attention on Keila.

"Keila. I know I said I'll stay but I need to get to the office"

She nods, highly appalled "Alright" her voice lowly sails out "Don't do anything rash, okay?".

I scoff "I hope ".

I stalk off, sprinting for the stairs and then the room. Retriving my keys, I quickly jog down the stairs and nod over to Gomez who is now approaching me.

"Alex just be cool, okay?" Keila says with her concerned eyes on me "don't let the anger make you overreact. It'll come off as...personal".

Her statement stirs a certain sense of reasoning in me. She's right. It'll look bad. Why punch a guy that harrasess your business associate? Highly suspicious.

I nod "You're right, but that's the only reason I'm not laying a hand on him".


"Heather can you tell Derrick to meet me in my office?" I say to my secretary at her desk.

"Yes Mr Hunter" she replies with a toothy grin.

Is it me or did she batte her lashes at me?

I don't even care. I think to myself as I proceed to my office door, unlocking it with my key card and slipping in.

The bastard! What has gotten into him! Trying to steal from me is insulting but trying to hurt Keila?! That is unacceptable.

I settle down in my chair and tap my foot impatiently. How do I pull this off? I should not let him know he's in a hot spot yet. Besides, it's only my conclusion. My accurate conclusion. So I need to present this case delicately but thorough.

A soft rap on my door snaps my gaze to the slightly ajar door. I can already see the sly bastard and it elevates my fury.

Be thoughtful and calm.

"Derrick. Come in".

He walks in casually and my eyes observes him for any sign of agitation, brittle or antsy. I found none and I started to doubt my judgement,but knowing how he's snaked around me, I am not surprised that he knows how to be composed.

He stands and I gesture to the chair at the other side of my table.

"Please sit down".

I seethed under this collected composure, but nevertheless I will crack him, cracking people isn't difficult. It's cracking people that you trust that becomes difficult, because you don't fully see it coming.

So I start with a subjet that won't put him on egde. Just yet.

"I sent you over to Mr O'Neal yesterday. What did he say?". I recline into my chair. My gaze intent.

"Yes Sir. He said your thoughts are reasonable but he would like it if you let him think about it since he's having other companies offer a lot, although he wants to meet with you later".

No flinches. No pause. Nothing.

I nod curtly "That seems fair". I crank my neck to the side "Do you know Miss Keila? She's been here twice".

I see a physical pause and his eyes widens for just a second. Something that I could have missed if I was not boring my gaze into his. His reaction feeds me.

He squints thoughtfully "I'm not sure, but if you're referring to the lady that I noticed walking out of my office yesterday. Then yes" a pause "what was she doing there?".

Trying to be clever cannot save him but it's worth a shot.

"I asked her to go there because I needed to confirm my suspicion" gently pushing off from the chair, I lean closely, hands twined tightly on top of the table.

"You know what I'm talking about Derrick" I say with a stern look "You've been taking my money and I don't know how. Yet. But that doesn't really matter anymore because after yesterday. It went from major to extreme".

Derrick forced a lump down his throat and tried not to be visibly shaken "I don't understand Sir. I would never do such a thing".

I scowl at the way he comfortably lies to me. It's incredulous but not baffling.

"She found your flash drive and you went to take it back. Didn't you?" I'm giving my most intimidating look and I'm graced with a little show of sweltering.

"What flash drive?" He asks.

I grind my teeth and squint at him "If you're going to lie to me, do it responsibly". Digging my hand in my pants pocket I place the pen on the table, my gaze never leaving his.

His eyes flicks down to the pen and his eyes momentarily goes wide "Mr Hunter-".

"- The truth! Derrick" I say as the anger I try to simmer nearly overwhelms me.

His eyes darts from the pen to me, then again. Eyes wide and bulging, profurous blinking and I know I've gotten him the way I can.

"She found your flash and you attack her. You know how offensive that is right?".

"I'm so sorry Mr Hunter" he pleads "I didn't mean to do it".

"Who was your accomplise?"

"Just a dude I paid" he claps his hands together. "Forgive me Mr Hunter. I promise it won't happen again". A quivering breath escapes his mouth as he struggles to say his next words "I never meant too. It won't happen again. I promise".

I nod, glaring at him and balling my fists "I know. That's why the cops are coming to get you".


Alex Hunter(Completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora