37- Warm embrace

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Keila's P.O.V

I heavy a sigh and slump into the bed, the pillow at my back relishing the pain from the uncomfortable position I probably was in when Alex found me.

I can't believe I got attacked, if anyone had told me that something like this would happen to me today I would have barked into one of Chris's irritating laughter, but it did happen to me and it scared me. If not for this marriage being secret I would have suggested David driving me to work.

Could I face that street again? I doubt it.

Who were those men? How did they know me? What did they want from me?

Those assholes deflated my tire! The asshole knocked me out with his gun! It was not even necessary, I was highly co-operative, so why?

In everything that happened so far I'm just grateful that Alex found me. I don't care if I was so mad at him, I woke up craving him and that's the feeling I went for. Plus, it was hard staying mad when I could see him worked up.

When he stepped in I noticed how messy his hair was, probably from to much roughling. Two buttons of his suit shirt undone. I doubt he noticed anything about his appearance. He just wanted to know about me and that was fine, even though I still wish he'd tell me how he truly feels about me. I just need clarity. So badly.

A soft knock on the door snatches my wandering mind and Gomez pops his head in.

I smile brightly "Well look who popped in".

He grins walking in and closing the door behind him "Well look who isn't lying in bed, saying absolutely nothing".

I chuckle as he occupies the seat Alex was in few minutes ago "How are you Gomez?".

He squints "That's ironic, coming from someone in a hospital bed" we share a little laugh and he asks "how are you?".

I shrug effortlessly "I'm better. The doctor said it's a small injury, it hurts and I have a migraine but that's it".

Gomez nods "That's fantastic news. Atleast that's going to cool Alex off, a little, he nearly exploded and it would have been a big one".

Alex so worked up about me is a different level of cute. It's cudorable!

I manage a grin, wincing at the pain that shoots to my head.

"Well that's comforting" I say. I might be open about my feelings to Alex but no need to show it off to his bestfriend.

A smirk lifts the corner of his lip "I'll try to openly accept that reply" a seriousness I've never seen on his face before, appears "Alex told me what you said about the masked man knowing you".

I nod.

"I honestly thought this was some silly robbery. It's easier to sieve out the person, but now-".

"-it's near impossible" I complete his statement and cold fear washes over me and I shiver when he nods agreeingly.

"But" he adds "if there's anything I've come to know about Alex, it's that he always finds a way. Especially when he's hungry for it".


Alex walks in later with the nice elderly doctor behind. My heart warms when Alex and I fix our gazes on each other. He walks to me, standing beside me and encompassing my hands in his.

"How are you feeling now?". The doctor asks his gaze regarding me softly.

"I feel alright. Migranes and a little pain, nothing else".

He nods "That's a good thing for a minor head injury, nothing adequate rest, ice cubes and healthy eating won't fix".

"So you're saying she can't go to work?". Alex asks from beside me.

The doctor nods "Yes".

Alex nods "Thanks a lot Colin".

Oh. So that's his name. Wait! Is this Alex's doctor? The one who treated Alex Dad? Explains why they are so comfortable.

"So" Colin eyes registers all three of us "She's fit to leave this night".

"Sure thing Colin, you're a life saver" Gomez adds with a smile.

"Thank you" Colin says as he exits the room.

Alex eyes rests on me "Ready to leave?"

I nod "Yes please" I crank my neck gently to the side "That man's your family doctor, isn't he?".

" Yes. He's a trusted man, he won't tell anyone".

Well that's okay.

I squint in rememberance "Hey, what happened to my car?"

"Called David to take care of it. Should be home now".

I smile adoringly at him. He's got me covered. Any time.

Gomez rolls his eyes "Will you two move?".

Alex chuckles "Alright Keila, you go out first and Gomez and I will join you later".


I'm half asleep when we pull into the building, it was a somewhat long and quiet drive and I was physically and mentally exhausted. I just needed to go in and sleep. I did not have it in me to shower but I should, it's been a messy day.

Alex stops me with a hand on my thigh when I try to sluggisly open the door "Let me".

He opens the door and I see David walk up to the door. My eyes land on my car that is parked outside. Thank God it's here and it's in good shape, apart from the deflated tire which was what he was probably working on.
The door to the car at my side swings open and Alex crouches as I attempt to get out. With his warm eyes on me, he delicately hooks an arm under my knees and the other under my back. It feels so good to be pampered like this, I think to myself as he lifts me up and pulls away, standing up straighter and leading us towards the door.

I don't know how he manages to unlock the door with me cozed up against him. My arms wrapped around his neck and my head placed comfortably on his wall of a chest.

We're up the stairs and in the room as he turns on the light and places me gently on my side of the bed. I fear that he's going to leave me for the study but he darts for the switch and flips it. Turning the light off and with the aid of the light from the moon I see him quickly shrug out of his shirt.

He dives into the bed beside me and wraps his arms around me. Our bodies curled up together and my back pressing into his skin. Satisfied, I melt into the embrace.

"Goodnight Keila" he whispers against my ear and kisses my neck.

I love that.

"Goodnight Alex".


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