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                                          Wednesday 6:25pm

"You really did it" Vanellope says smiling at me from one of the sofa in the living room.

"Yea" I say glancing over at mum who sits with a dissaproving look.

I'm trying so hard not to let her face get to my mood, I didn't want to be here but I feel guilty for not asking about her doctors appointment.

"Good for you Keila" she beams at me "good for you" she glances at mum. Then shrugs at me.

Its good to have your sister solidly behind you but better to have your mum.

"So" I say looking over at my mum "How was your doctors appointment?".

She looks at me deadpan " That was two weeks ago".

"I know, I totally forgot so I want to know, hope its not a big deal?".

" Since you created time to ask, then I'll have you know that its nothing much, its just a normal checkup".

There's no sign of amusement or a trial for a sign of amusement and so I turn to someone who'd talk to me.

"Hey Vee, what's been happening?"

She pouts and seems like she's thinking "Hmm, well nothing, preparing for a math test. Ugh." She shivers in distate "I hate math".

I smile " I love math".

She quirks a brow "I know. That's why you're the nerd".

I chuckle " I am so not a nerd, I'm accomplished. Anyway, what I'm saying is, I could drop by Saturday to teach you, I'm awfully jobless".

She grins "That'll be so nice! Can I bring April too?".

I nod " Sure". I look over at Mum "You're awful quiet, say something".

She shoots me a look "Like what? The same thing I've been telling you?"

I shut my eyes briefly to stuff in my rising anger "Mum. Can we not talk about this? I've already given you reasons, reasons you don't want to see through".

" What reasons? I cannot and I will not approve of this". She snaps.

I squint unbelieveably at her "Why is this such a major problem?".

I can feel Vanellope's eyes dangling from both of us and as much as I didn't want to have an argument with Mum infront of her, I really needed to understand why she was so against it.

" Because it so inappropriate! Why get married to him?".

"Do you hate Alex Hunter?".

" What I hate is your decision!"

"My decision!" I yell out "I've followed your decision's my whole life! Not that I owe it to you, its just after Dad that was all I could do to keep you- us sane" I glare at her not minding that I mentioned Dad not minding Vanellope "I make one decision on my own and you throw a big hissyfit party".

She scoffs " Learn to make better decisions Keila".

I laugh unbelievably "Like you've made any better. Even if I'm wrong with my decisions can't you just call me out normally? What's your role as a mother if you can't do things like one?".

Standing up and grabbing my bag I say lastly " I'm done visiting you! I liked staying away because I was finally able to breathe!"

With that I turn around and I'm stomping out of the house. Few steps to my car I hear Vanellope calling out to me from behind. I fume out a breath and turn around.

"Yes Kiddo".

Her shoulders are sagged and her face holds an expression that calms me a little, so sad and worried.

" Keila, don't be mad at Mum, she's just looking out for you"

I wet my lips "Maybe she is, but she's not nice about it" I pat her cheeck "I got to go okay?"

"And Saturday?" She asks with that look in her eyes.

I sigh. "I can't but Donald is great at it,  what if I ask him to help you? Will that be fine?".

She nods " Thats cool. Take care of you at the new house".

I manage a smile "I will,  take care of you too" with that I get into my car and as I drive off I search out my phone from my bag and dial Donald. He picks on the fifth ring.

"Keila?" His voice comes out in a breathy whisper.

"Hey Donnie". I smile. " Were you sleeping? Did I interrupt?".

"No" he stiffles a yawn.

"Yea right".

"Ok. I did just fall asleep but you didn't interrupt". Another stiffled yawn.

I place the phone on speaker and hang it on my phone holder " You sure I shouldn't call back?"

"Hell no" a few ruffles then "whatsup?".

I shrug as I turn the wheel taking a sharp corner " Whatsup is I need you to tutor Vee for me".

He pauses "I'm sorry. How'd we get here?"

I laugh "Don't freak out. Its just I wanted to do it but-" I sigh "my mum happened".

" Shit" he breathes out "what happened?"

I'm filled with rage again as I remember our encounter "What didn't happen! She's just being so unreasonable! It's so much. I'm not saying I made a wrong decision or didn't make a wrong decision, all I want is an easy way out. Support or something. She's taking the hard and difficult way".

He sighs and I feel he just ran a hand through his probably messy hair.

" Kei, you know she's just being a Mum, okay? and you're just being a daughter. Maybe, give her time".

I scoff "Oh I'm giving her plenty".

" Kei. Your Mum wants to see you walk down the aisle, with a man who publicly wants to show you off, so you can have a happy life -".

I cut him short "It's business Donnie, its nothing serious, it'll be over in months".

" Enough time for you to get hooked on him like an addict on drugs".

A little silence.

He just made an excellent point.

I shrug "If I perish I perish".

He chuckles from the other end " You don't mean that and you don't mean to be mad at your mum but I can't blame any of you for feeling the way you feel or for acting out the way you have. Just, give it time".

Donald keeps me sane. I love it so much.

"I guess you're right" he's mostly right "I just think the space is necessary. I don't blame her but I don't blame me either".

" Fair enough" I hear the smile in his voice.

"Talk to later?" I say softly.

"I'm always here just don't forget me".

" I never will" I grin as I hear the click from the other line.

Relaxing in my car seat I think about all Donald said.  They are right, but I'm not really going to disturb myself,  I think that's why I'm having high hopes anyway.


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