7-Offer(edited September 16)

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I sit there stunned! Hold up! Rewind! What? In a million years or in a few minutes, I would never have thought that was going to come out of his mouth!
What is going on? What's happening?

"Keila - ".

"Your bride?!" I ask in awe, I squint "I'm sorry, what?".

He exhales slowly. "It's a bit too much - "

"-bit? It's....insane" I catch myself, that wasn't a correct word to use. How am I even sitting, I'm so tensed up I can shoot out through the ceiling. "I'm sorry Mr Hunter, what I mean is, it's..not what I expected. Why?".

He shrugs lazily "I understand why you're taking it the way you are but I actually need someone with your....service or rather expertise".

I shake my head a little "you lost me at service".

He sits up, then crouches a little, his elbows digging into his thighs and his palm clasped "It's for my inheritance".

I squint again. Inheritance? He's Alex Hunter! "Again, you lost me. How can you possibly need your inheritance?"

"My Dad's sick, hospitalized, we're not sure he's going to make it and although he knows I'm capable of handling a lot, he's hell bent on me having a partner".

I dangle my head from side to side "Ok, so what does this have to do with me" I chip in "I'm really sorry for your Dad's condition but why me? You know plenty of ladies".

He pauses and seems to get caught in his own thoughts, then slowly he says "You're a trusted financial manager and I've had a lot of untrusthy ones" he pauses "I just need you to carry out a task for me, and I can let you go. If we get married, you'll be helping me kill two birds at once. Inheritance and completion of task".

I sit quietly. I know this is crazy, and honestly I feel flattered but it's just too overwhelming.

"What tasks?". I ask.

"I need you to be the general overseer of my money transactions for as long as we are married. I have a feeling that something is about to be played and I'm too busy to handle it right now...I'm not emotionally stable".

There's a little shutdown in his denamour "it's your Dad isn't it?" I whisper my question.

"Yea. It's nice to not have this disclosed to the press yet" he watches me intently "I need a little assistance from you".

"Does this mean I quit my job?".

"No. My wife has full right to my business, under my authorization that is, you can just drop by if need be, plus it's a contract, once we accomplish what needs to be, we get a divorce, I don't suppose you want to be unemployed after that".

My wife. Me! Keila Manchester! I can't believe my ears, I'm struggling to be composed, my mind is a roller coaster. I don't know how long I sit in silence because he speaks up

"If you're still thinking of the inconvinence, then I'd like to state that at the end of the divorce, you get paid".

"It's not about the money Mr Hunter" money is nice but my emotions were mixed up, happy, scared, excitment, shock, gosh, I feel everything! "I just, it's a big request. I'm going to be like...public".

"Wouldn't you want that?".

"Honestly" I grin sheepishly "when I badly wanted to meet you, I kind of forgot the press part but now I've met you and I'm even getting a bigger offer" I bite my lip "It dawns on me the risk I might be taking".

He relaxes in his sofa "I can't say I understand, I grew in front of cameras, but" he watches me closely "we won't be public".

My brows crease "I'm not following".

"It's a contract. This is how it's going to be. We get married in court, secretly, you move in with me, reason is I can't be dropping by your place often, it's going to call too much attention".


"We have a set time interval, six months, that should be enough time for you to work widely on my suspicion, after that the marriage is terminated, we part and you go on with your life".

I wet my lower lip "the part where you said I could drop by your office if need be. How does that happen without attracting attention?".

He smiles "I recently agreed to support your firm's project, didn't I? I can request your presence".

Mr Hunter. Well thought! No wonder he's skyrocketing, he's many steps ahead.

"So I keep us a secret for six months?"

"Or less. Depends on your efficency".

We sit silently again.

I wet my lips "Can I- can I think about this?".

He smiles "I'm actually glad to hear that" he rises from the sofa, stuffs his hand in his suit pocket and pulls out a buisness card then stretches it towards me "my buisness card, personal line is the last number, so I'll be expecting a reply".

I get up, take the card and stare at the black card with gold italic writtings. "Sure Mr Hunter".

"I'll take my leave now, I've kept my chaffeur waiting".

Really? I didn't see anyone. "Oh" walking to my door I unlock it and open it "A pleasure Mr Hunter".

"Of course Keila" he walks out and I watch him check his surronding before stepping into the darkness, I can still make out his shadow. A car pulls up immediately and he opens it and ducks inside. The car zooms off quickly and I stare after it for a little while before slowly closing my door.

I didn't want to say no, that's for sure and thankfully our relationship wouldn't go public. So why was I hesitating? Shouldn't I dive in head first? I loved that I had this chance but then I was reluctant. Why? Why Keila?

Maybe because I knew I was going to get burned in the process.


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