2-We meet again

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Get a grip Keila! I chided myself as I padded along the hallway after exiting the meeting room. Mr Willer gave Audrey, Stacy and I really important tasks and I had to do the last one which was quickly retriving the office financial record, money was a hard thing to deal with and thankfully I wasn't one to steal and I haven't made solid enemies to sabotage me. Four years of great record!

Ok admit it! Alex is really shoving into your mind!

I've had a crush on him since highschool! After I chose my buisness path I went into research about great buisness empires, and he files up, skyrocketing! I instantly loose myself in my fantasy. Keila Hunter.


Not to mention that I'd met him once, right here in the office. That day was the bestest!

I reached the elevator and realised it was occupied so I leaned against the wall, sailing back to the day I actually, actually met him, briefly.

"We were supposed to have Mr Hunter here today but he cancelled" Mr Willer annouced to us in the staff room. I felt my heart shatter, like for reals shatter!

Eiko sighs beside me "I was looking forward to meet him". She looks at me "He'd be like smoking hot and I'll be unusually weird " she bites her lower lip.

I chuckle "Won't we all? I feel I can physically melt under his gaze".

"Hey" Chris whispers from next to me "You have hot guys over here, stick to us!".

Eiko and I share a quiet laugh. My closet people! It was me, Eiko, Chris and...

"Tell em, stop snitching on us, Alex's like way up there" Levi nudges his head up "and you are right in the middle, the bottom middle".

And Levi!

Again Eiko and I share another quiet laugh, how I so wanted to guaffaw.

"There's no crime in having a little faith" I wink at Levi.

Ok yes, I know Levi likes me but at least he's a gentleman about it.

"So let's all get back to work, and please let's make the most of it. Stacy! With me" with that he strides out of the room.

I stand as everyone does "Guess this is a big blow to Mr Willer, he was so happy" I say as we make out the room "I could see him strut everytime he was going anywhere".

Chris shrugs "He's a tough one, some Alex wouldn't get to him".

As we file out the office we see Mr Willer nearly screaming at Stacy in front of the elevator "I told you to cancel that meeting".

"But, you..you said y-you weren't sure" Stacy stutters, poor her, being a PA to a very angry Mr Willer is nothing short of a death sentence.

"Well I'm sure now!" The doors to the elevator opens and Mr Willer stomps in.

Eiko throws a glance behind at Chris "You were saying?".

"Damn! She looks wounded" I say as she walks past us.

"Well she is" Levi replies "No matter the promotion I get, it ends at Secretary".

We chuckle around us and then patiently wait for the elevator.

Later that afternoon I was hurriedly walking to Mr Willers office, Stacy had come to get me. Of all days, he wanted an account check today? Lord help me!

I felt disorganised, holding papers, books, a pen case, which had a marker, especially the red marker, Mr Willer fancies red.

I looked down for a few seconds to carefully place the marker that nearly fell and then I collided into something, it was hard! And all I held went crashing on the floor.

Devastated and Furious my eyes wide I lifted my eyes to realise it wasn't an it but a he and by he I mean Alex Hunter.

As if my eyes couldn't get wider, it widens more and I felt rooted to my spot, frozen, unreacting, just my heart in over drive and my body in shock.

He put a finger to his lips and glanced around tentaively before lowering to pick up my stuffs. They were jumbled and messy.

Snapping out of my trance I nervously lowered to help pick up my messed up files.

"Look, I'm sorry, just don't tell anyone about me being here" he held up some papers to me "are we good?".

The moment my eyes met his I left the world, my mind took me to a different place, a place where I was all he wanted and he was all I wanted. His eyes were mesmirizing, his face was beautiful and that seriously deep soothing voice! Dreamy!

"Hey" I heard him call out.

Snapping out I nodded, collecting the papers from him. He stood up and walked away, and as I looked behind me at him, I noticed he wore a face cap a T-shirt and jeans with his feet tucked into nice sneakers.

Was he doing an under cover survey? Did I just make a total fool of myself? Did I just stand in Alex Hunter's presence without uttering a word? Am I this stupid? I could have said something! I watch him dissaper down the hall. I must have been so awful, he didn't even spare a glance my way.

I heavied a sigh as I gathered the rest of my papers and rose to a stand, hugging the papers to myself.

If I tell Donald what I just did he'd laugh his arse out! He'd make a mockery of me, he'd never let me forget how I missed my oppourtunity to actually introduce myself. I won't forget this day, ever!

I sigh. Atleast Donald did his part of laughing when I told him, he never fails to jester me and the office was in shock when Mr Willer filled us back in the meeting room and made an annoucement that didn't shock me but scard me.

"I just got off the phone with Alex, he said he enjoyed the survey and he'd like to make a proper visit! He 'WAS' in the building!" .

Mr Willer had an award winning smile on his face. The room was in uproar. How could he have been in the building and no one knew kinda uproar.

News flash. I knew! I flunked.

I remember Eiko gripping my arm.

"Oh my God! He was here!".

I smiled, I never told her I met him and I don't know why.

I punched the button, and waited patiently for the elevator. Once the door opened and I saw the person in the elevator I stopped short.

It's happening again. I'm going to make a total fool of myself again.

Leaning on the elevator with a hand in his pants pocket and his other hand holding his phone, his head bowed engrossed with whatever he was doing, he took my heart straight to my eyes.

He looked up from his phone, a brow risen " Are you the PA?"


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