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"Damn, I actually feel inspired today" Chris says as all four of us stroll out the building. Another working day concluded and beautifully if I'd chip in.

"Why is that?" Eiko asks

"Do you see the way you ladies go crazy stupid around Alex, it's like..really threathing to average guys like us".

"Aww, Chris" Eiko places her hand on his shoulder "You're not average, you're way down the drain and with Alex in the picture, well" she shrugs "you're not in the picture".

Chris dramatically places his hand on his chest "you wound me".

"Let's be honest, Alex's got great buisness skills. I even envy that" Levi says as we make a circle outside the building.

"Not to forget, insanely hot!" Eiko sighs "what's a girl to do".

"Concentrate on the man she can 'physically' have" Chris replies.

"Guys, as much as I'd want to stay here and tackle, I'm pretty beat, but surely I agree with Eiko. That being said I'll see you all tomorrow, I can't wait to know what Alex's decision is going to be".

"The reason it's great to have you as a friend is because I get the juciest gist. A lot of chaos could be going on and I'll sit in my chair because I have a reporter from the high tables". Eiko nudges me.

"Crazy ass" I say with a grin as I start heading for my car "tomorrow". I head to my car, unlock it and get in. I need a hot shower!

Just before I start my car I hear my phone buzz in my bag and I pull it out to read it.


Heya chicka, I'm dropping by after work, so I don't know when you want me over, cuz I'll be done in..10mintues, then I got to head home and hit the shower.

I'm headed home already. So just come over when ya done😌

Dropping my phone in my bag I start the car and as it hums in response I pull out my parking space and merge with the other drivers.


In a tank top and leggings I make my way to my kitchen. What to eat, what to eat? I have no idea! Plus I'm really too lazy to make any dish.

I hear a knock on my door and change my direction, walking over to my front door this time. As I open the door I wear a smirk "You are on time" my eyes dart for the pizza box in his hand as I grab it "So accurate".

Donald chuckles "Let Alex beat that!". He says as he walks in.

Okay setting aside my huge crush on Alex, Donald was just as handsome, the first time we met I actually liked him, it just dissolved into...comfortability, we just liked being in each others buisness and we got very acquinted.

"Okay, I get it, you don't like him". I place the pizza box on the table and open it and it's delicious smell greets my nose setting my stomach in a nasty war. I moan "Godddddddd I so want it right now" I take a slice.

Again he chuckles "Easy there. I got beer" he raises the two bottles I didn't notice before as he plops down on the sofa, I sit beside him taking one.

"What would I do without you! I was just killing myself over what to make but you always save me".

"Let's leave the part that I know you too well and know that it's hard to consume anything at work but anyways, thanks, and to correct your statement, I do like him, he's made a great mark, it's your swooning I'm not okay with" he reaches out to take a piece.

I open my beer and take a good swing "This actually downloads well" my eyes dangling from the pizza and the beer.

"Right?" He takes a swing of his beer too.

"I don't know what's you guys problem".

"What guys?" He asked glancing at me.

"You, Levi and Chris".

"Ah ha. It's just the serious truth! It's weird to have you guys moping the floor he walks on"

I squint "I'm not moping anything".

"Then your licking his face".

I scruch my nose "I'm not - do you think he'd taste like strawberry?".

Donald pauses, his pizza halfway into his mouth then he pulls it out "Gross Kei".

"I'm kidding" I chuckle.

He proceeds to eat his pizza "You didn't even make a sentence when you were with him. You have a problem".

I groan "I agree. I did this twice."

"On the bright side, you have me to put you through".

" Yea. Thanks, but no thanks, I want to make an impression not leave an ugly memory". I take another swing of my beer.

"Whatever, your loss". He chews down his pizza "How'd today go".

"Oh um, I actually dropped Vee off at school, Mum had an appointment in the hospital and Vee didn't want to take the bus". I bite down on my pizza.

He scoffed "Why? You drove all the way there? What if you didn't live a bit close? Why'd she not take the bus?".

My eyes glint as I prepare to see the look on his face, the one that makes me so happy "She's still got a crush for Flynn".

He rolls his eyes "Stop talking".

I laugh "Dude chill! It's perfectly normal, she'll get over him, it's just a crush".

When Donald looked at me fixtadely I realised what I'd said "In my opinion, I'm older, so it gets tougher".

"Yea keep telling yourself that".

"How about you?".

He sighs "Vanessa is not leaving me anytime soon, I wish I could move".

"Hey" I nudge my elbow into his side "She really likes you".

"It's creepy, maybe you need a taste of creepy".

"I'm perfectly fine. You're the one who went on to sleep with her".

"It was an agreement! ".

"Well now she loves you" I quirk a brow at him "Why don't you just tell her that you don't want anything if it's really eating at you?".

He shakes his head " She's just happier all of a sudden, and a pretty strong gut tells me I'm the reason, so, I'm not going to snatch that happiness.....yet". He glances at me "just a little more time".

I smile "You're such a sweet person".

"No I'm not".

I leaned against him as we ate in silence, finally, I'm not starving like crazy!


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