17- Revealing

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O Lord! O Lord! My mind was making up plans on my escape. The only and most appetizing one was to make a run for the door. Whoever he is, my identity is still unknown.

He could be working for the press. Or something worse or terrible, but I'm not taking any risks, I'm running out that door.


Now that deep, carrassing voice is a voice I know.

I turn around slowly, finally acknowledging the other good looking man beside Alex.

"Keila?" The man asks then smiles "wow, I finally get to meet you" he makes down the remaining stairs.

My gaze goes to Alex's face waiting for him to snap, he's going to be so mad that someone saw me. Wait. The man's statement registers in my head. Finally get to meet me?

Alex sighs "Leave her alone Gomez".

"No way, she's pretty" he approaches me, his eyes boring into mine and a sly smile on his face.

He thinks I'm pretty? Well, that's a relief. Then again, he could be flaterring, he was an obvious flatterer.

He takes my hand in his and softly brushes the surface of my palm with his thumb "Nice to meet you Keila Manchester. I'm Gomez McGregor".

I smile nervously "Nice to meet you".

Alex speaks up from the stairs " He's my bestfriend and don't worry, the secret is safe, he knows about you and he won't tell anyone" Alex looks fixed at Gomez back "He wouldn't dare" a genuine smile masking his face.

Gomez spares a glance behind him at Alex "Don't push your luck" he stares back at me, his hand never leaving mine. "You're prettier than Alex said".

My brows shoot up " Alex what?".

He squints "Honestly he just said you're okay when I asked, but I am stunned at who I'm looking at".

Wow. Even behind me Alex has nothing good to say about me. I know  I'm just an acquaintance to him but It's not settling for me. Well, why bother.

I smile thinly "Thanks a lot".

" Once you're done with your contract here maybe we could work on something real" he shrugs "I really dig you".

I chuckle " I'm flattered and of course, I'll take you up on your offer". No harm in teasing right? He was doing the exact same thing anyway.

"Alright" Alex says. I think I sense jealousy but when I look up at him, he's shaking his head amusingly at Gomez "you really should stop, just let her go".

Disappointment washes over me. Alex didn't pay me any interest, I should get used to it. It's just so hard.

" I'll just be on my way" I say as my eyes darts from Gomez to Alex.

"Where are you going to?" Alex ask watching me closely.

"Friends" I say and I smile at Gomez again "Nice to meet you".

He lets go of my hand as I make my way to the door. I can feel two pairs of eyes burning into my back but I don't think too much of it. I just want to be with my people. It makes more sense than anything right now.


I bring my car to a halt in front of my house as I see other cars packed around. I turn the key in the ignition and the car dies down. I'm out of my car and headed for my front door after locking it.

" Took you long enough" Eiko says as I reach them and start to unlock my door.

"I got caught up in a little drama". I say.

"What drama?" Eiko asks with her brows furrowed.

I grip the knob and push the door open "Well, someone saw me".

" Whoa" Chris exclaims "That's not good. How are you so chill?".

I'm sucking in the sight of my house, but it really doesn't look dusty or anything, its rather neat and kept.

" Hm" I hum "that's strange, should have gotten dust by now" I stride to my kitchen slab and swipe my hand on it "neat".

Eiko shrugs, settling in the sofa "Hasn't been that long. So what happened?".

" Oh" I say "turns out its Alex's bestfriend. Gomez McGregor".

" Ohhhhh. Him, he's a really successful guy from all I've heard and read. Been a great support to Alex, he's been with Alex since childhood" Chris fills us in.

Levi smiles "Bond goes way back. Hard to break".

I clap my hands once " So now that we are here, what do we do?".

"First" Eiko cuts in "I forgot to deliver my package, so let's check it out" she rises to a stand, snatchs a plastic bag I didn't notice before,grips my arm and leads me back into my room.

"Please hurry up. I really need to sleep" Chris yells after us.

As soon as we scurry into my bedroom she closes the door behind us and holds up the bag "Are you ready??".

I crank my neck to a side " Reveal what's in the package".

She dips a hand into the bag, pulling out the bikini, tossing the bag and holding up the top part first. A very wide grin on her face.

Well, its a nice peach flounce top, with its beautiful flowing fabric.

I give a small smile "I like this".

She holds up the next item, its a matching peach thong, well peach  where possible. It's strings were transparent, I could only notice it because it was close to my face.

I squint " You got me a thong? With transparent strings?" I grab it out of her hand "If I wear this it'll look like I glued a peach fabric to my area!" I shoot her a confused look "Why would you get this?".

She tosses the multi-coloured robe to me " If Alex is going to see you in a bikini, he need to 'see' you" she emphasizes on the see.

I sag my shoulders "Alex won't see me, he's never around and besides I'm not comfortable wearing this in front of him".

She places both hands to each side of my arm and gives me a little shake "Trust me, he'll be looking at you when you put that on, thank me later" she spins around, opens the door and sauntes out.

Okay Keila, its time to grab your swim trunk. I rush to my closet, throw it open and burrow into my travel bag until I find it. It's been a long time but it still looks good.

I shove it into the plastic bag as well as the bikini and I walk out to join the rest in the living room.

Chris stands and walks past me heading for my room.

"He's really beat" I say lowering into the sofa close to Eiko. I place the plastic bag on the sofa next to me.

"So did you like it?" Levi asks smirking.

I squint at him suspiciously then stare at Eiko "Did he see it?".

Eiko widens her eyes, a silly questioned look on her face. " Hm?".

She did.

"Eiko!" I yell.

A sheepish grin plasters her face "I needed a man's opinion".

"Well I think its sexy and revealing" Levi winks at me.

I sink into my sofa. Eiko hasn't heard the last of me but right now I'm thinking of how Alex will love the bikini.


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