11- Arrival(edited September 16)

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                                             Saturday 12:14pm

Eiko holds up my tight orange gown "This will look fantastic on you" she neatly folds it and places it in my box.

I sit on my bed watching Eiko be all excited for me. It feels so good to have her here with me, preparing me.

She picks up my red nightie and hugs it to herself, giving me a devilish smile "I bet he won't resist you in this".

I chuckle. I bought that a year back and haven't worn it, I have no idea why I even bought it.

"Right" I say dully.

Eiko sighs and places the nightie in my box as she plops down beside me on the bed "What's wrong? Thought you'll be thrilled. It's the big day!".

I look at her, I bet I look as scared as I feel right now "What if Mum and Levi and Donald are right!".

"Wait, your Mum said no?".

"Yes!" I rake a hand through my hair "She thinks I'm going to get hurt".

Eiko is silent for a little while "You know, sometimes when you finally meet your crush and hangout, you lose the crush and get comfortable, maybe that'll happen for you".

"What if it doesn't?".

She takes my hand in hers "Think positively".

I squint "Is that even a positive thought?".

She bounces off my bed "Pack with me!".

I get up and take out the nightie "This won't be necessary".

Snatching it and putting it back in my box, she shakes her head "You can take your pjs but you are not leaving this one behind".

I hold up my hands in surrender "Okay, it's not like I'm going to wear it anyway".

She gives me a thight smile "You're making a great decision and apart from all this doubt, I know you know this is a great choice".

I return the smile "Thanks a lot Eiko, you're the best".

She beams up "You're the bestest". Looking back at my closet she says "Now let's get you ready before ten"


I sit upright in my sofa, tapping my feet that are nicely tucked into my black flat shoes. My eyes move around my neatly kept living room, all empty looking due to the fact that everything's been packed. I glance at my box that stands beside my sofa then at the wall clock then at the door.

He's going to be here soon. So I might as well try to think of how to be more relaxed.

Why does his presence get on my nerves so well? I mean I should have gotten accustomed to seeing his handsome face and perceiving his manly colonge.

His face fills my mind, the way he talks, brows creased when he's serious or thoughtful, expressionless when stating his thoughts, eyes narrowed when debating in his mind. The way he smiles, the last one didn't reach his eyes, but it was a beautiful smile, a heart warming one, the kind that melts nervousness. The way he walks, arranged, straight, attractive, official. The way he makes me feel in one word. Messy.

I can't think properly, act properly, can't get past the fact that he makes me feel really worked up.

A knock. That's all it takes to send me shooting right out of my sofa but before I take a step I calculate. If I open the door now, I'll look desperate and he'll know I was waiting.

I stand as I rub my hands lightly over my thighs, the strong fabric of my jeans definitely not helping my condition.

When I hear the second round of knocking I go for it. Walking quickly but quietly and unlocking the door. When I open it I see the young boy from the other day, no sign of Alex.

He smiles, genuinely this time "Good Evening, I'm here to escort you to meet Mr Hunter at his residence".


"Your luggages?" He asks quickly.

I point at my box "Just that big box".

He sweeps in and picks my box and I'm scared the weight is going to make him topple over, but he doesn't. He walks out and I get the cue to follow. Stepping out and giving my apartment one last look I close the door and lock it.

When I turn he's standing and then he says "You'll follow in your car, I'll be up front to lead the way".

I nod and he turns to continue his journey with my box. Alright Keila, you are doing this!


I park right behind the car the young boy drives in and waste no time to get out and access the big house I just drove into. My eyes swallows the attractive looking house, the lights everywhere creating an expensive look, of course! This is a big house. Looking to my left I notice a duplex beside it. What is that place for? Is it like an underground hideout?

"Miss Manchester" I nearly jump at the sound of the young boy's voice.

Turning around I manage a steady "Yes".

"Keys please? ".

"Oh" I hand it over. "What's your name again?".

"David Ma'am".

Another nod "Why do you want my keys?".

"To properly park your car, you'll be getting it back".

"Oh" I give a thin smile "Okay" my eyes lands on my box "I'll take that".

"No" David says quickly "it'll be brought upstairs".

Okay, what a great life, I think I'll get used to it.

"Keila" I hear my name sing out like a symphony, a voice that sends great tingles down my spine and a very strong rush through my body.

I turn around to see Alex in a plain black T-shirt and in jeans, standing there looking like a demi-god. Wait, is that correct?

"Good Evening Mr Hunter".

He smiles again, that friendly, nerve-easing smile. You're so handsome! Stop smiling!

"Let's move down to Alex shall we?" He nudges his head towards the front door "Come on" he says and walks in through the door.

I follow. How would the inside look? I walk in and hate my apartment. This. Is. A. Big. House.

The living room is spacious and simple, excellent setting, sofa's joined together at each end and a big TV,  nope, screen, big screen, a combination of gold, white, a splash of red. The dining is dope! A big chandelier hangs right at the centre of the long rectangular dining table and a two-way door frigde at the opposite side of it. At the corner is a bar stand, with bar stools and surely a wide and various collection of wines on the shelves. Touche! There's a door just beside the bar but it's closed, will find out about that tomorrow.

My eyes meets his as he starts up the shiny wooden stairs and I follow, jogging up the set of stairs behind him. Even the stairs looks fancy!

Then we step into a heavenly bedroom, massive and fit for a King! Black and gold duvet, so finely arranged. It's a to-die for bedroom. I'm staring like crazy and I don't care that I look stupid.

"So our bedroom". He says with a chuckle.

I know! I'm staring! Eiko would shoot out the ceiling if she was here!

His words ring in my ear though, I look beside me at him "Our?".

He nods "Yes. I didn't think I'd need two rooms in my house".

Oh great! How did this go from hard to difficult?


Alex Hunter(Completed)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon