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I'm sitting on the sofa watching tv. Really haven't had the time to do it before, but I'm feeling in the mood today.

I'm on the news channel. I watched an interview on Colt and Damien and I'm currently watching an interview with Alex on it. His handsome face focused on the reporter asking a question.

"Mr Hunter, we hear that your Father has been hospitalised for two months now and is recovering. How and why was it kept hidden?"

He clears his throat "Yes he's doing great, it's a fast and progressing recovery. It's wise to have hidden this, it's not the kind of news you wish to wake up to everyday".

Another reporter asks.

"Is it true you were supposed to get married to acquire an inheritance if your Father had passed away? Did you try to get a bride?".

Alex pauses, then a little smile comes up his face "no comment".

He's hurrying to get away as I grin at the tv. Why did I feel that smile was meant for me? Atleast he thought of me when that question was asked.

Twenty minutes later, the door opens as Alex strides in. I look behind me at him as he walks over to me with his suit jacket hanging over his shoulder.

" Look who I just saw on tv" I tease him with a smirk.

He gives me a toothy grin "Fresh out the press, I don't even know how the news got out, but I'm not surprised, people always have a way of finding stuff".

I cock my head to the side "You're in a great mood".

His eyes trails off to the glass door and I follow his gaze.

"Guess what I'm thinking?".

I gasp looking back at him " For reals?".

He nods then beckons me to follow as he heads back to the stairs.

I get up excitedly then pause "You go first" I say as I hear him jog up the stairs. I still didn't feel free enough to be in the room while he was dressing or to dress while he was in the room.

Three to four minutes later, he's jogging down the stairs in his swim shorts and his chest bare, a sight to drink. I focus on his face, better not to let him know how nice it feels staring at his broad chest and best not to pay attention to his shorts. It's crazy what the mind can do.

"I'll get us something to drink" he says as he cuts through the dining room to the bar.

It's my turn to change. When I get to the room I pull out the plastic bag from the closet and take my swim trunk. God I can't wear that bikini! It's just not happening.

I'm downstairs later and I can see him by the pool. I walk over just in time to see him dive in and sprint to the other side. I giggle as he pulls out of the pool and shakes his head a little.

He smirks when he sees me and I feel rather much more exposed than I am.

"Come on, get in the pool". He says with a chuckle. So I dive in.

Many more minutes later I'm standing by the pool cheering Alex as he stays underwater. We were in the water a long time and I needed to be outside it. I finally used the pool! And with Alex! Alex is so transformed and full of humor.

"You can do this Alex" I yell and clap, cheering him. How loud am I?

He finally pulls up, gulping lots of air and swimming towards me as I cheer and mimic holding pompoms "If you don't got some fast reflex, then gives some room for great Alex". I spread my arms and shake them, pretending to shake the pompoms.

Alex gives a hearty laugh. I love it when he laughs! It's a relaxing sound.

"You're awful at that" he says after his laughter dies down.

I settle down by the edge of the pool, my legs dangling by the side inside the water "Good thing I'm not a cheer leader".
I carefully pick up the two wine glasses and the wine he selected, which he already opened. Handing him a glass I pour in a decent amount and do the same for me.

Then I take a sip and nod "You know good stuff".

"Of course I do" he sips his "It's been so long since I did this. I feel alive".

I nod again grinning "You look alive ". I glance down at the water "are you sure you don't want to come out?".

A quick shake of his head " na" then he gulps his wine.

Few conversations and three more glasses of wine and we were talking about highschool.

"Wait" I hold up a finger "Mr Larson" I say with a snap of my finger, the image of a lanky man forming in my head, remembering how sharp eyed he was "He was a pest in my junior high. He could fish me out from anywhere".

Alex laughs, sipping his wine.

"I don't even know how he filed me out. I was so anti-social" I chug down my drink and move for a refil.

"Really? I can't beleive it" he gulps his down and holds out his glass as I fill it with the sweetness in the bottle.

"I can't too. I just hugged a part of my Dad then, but senoir high was better. I became a great me" I smile down at him "junior high was difficult with my worst teacher. Mr Larson. What about you?".

He heaves a sigh, squinting thoughtfully "Miss Candice ".

"Oooo" I sip my wine my eyes on him "What's her story?".

He smirks, a devilish one as he sips his wine too "So, while other students had teachers who bugged them for oppressing reasons, Miss Candice tried to seduce me".

My eyes shoots open wider "Hold up. What?"

"Yes she really bugged me about that. Alot. Sometimes I feel the reason she had two to three buttons undone each time I was at the front of the class was just to call my attention".

I inch my face closer to his to peer in his eyes, gazing at him with a questioning look "Did you respond?".

He threw his head back and laughed, a laugh that got me laughing too.

"Just answer the question" I say in between laughs as I pull back into my normal sitting position.

When his laughter dies down he slowly shakes his head "No".

I squint suspiciously "Why?".

"It just wasn't right".

"But you wanted to respond, didn't you?".

A grin creeps up his face "No".

I push on "You did. Didn't you?".

He groans "Leave me the hell alone. I didn't" then a chuckle.

I sip my wine, eyes narrowed on him "You wanted to, but you were a little mannered not to. Right?".


"Admit it!".

"Fine! Reporter! Yes, but -".

My laugh cuts through his words. I just knew it.

"-its just one of the things of being a kid okay" he yells through my laugh "atleast I didn't do it" that grin never faltering from his lips.

Clearing my throat, I sip my wine again "So two to three undone buttons doesn't do it for you but a ridiculous dressing does?".

He shrugs "It's funny what catches the eye". He takes a sip as he stares of at the light kissed garden.

Well, I stare at the light kissed man beside me. So happy and alive and spending his time with me. I didn't want to leave this night. I didn't want to trade this moment.

"You know. Maybe we should have a picnic out back" he looks up at me "What do think, we do that when we can?".

I suck my lower lip. Just the two of us.

" Yea. Why not?".


Alex Hunter(Completed)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu