21-The work crib

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                                                Monday 7:36am

New week. Little change but he's still doing the Ninja stuff. I did sleep with him next to me but he wasn't there when I woke up, which is okay, since we just spoke fully yesterday.

I'm feeling great in a grey cotton skin tight gown and matching grey pumps. My black hair up in a neat bun, my ear decorated with my white stud and my usual black bag. I brush my hands lightly over the cotton material and smile at the mirror. I do feel happy.

"Keila" Alex says as he strides and gives me a smile, his eyes running over me "you look good".

My smile broadens "Thanks and you always look handsome in your suits" he always looks handsome anyway.

"Thanks. You mentioned wanting to drop by the office, right?"

"Oh yea, today won't be bad" I say picking up my bag.

He stuffs his hands in his pant pockets "Alright. Will ask for you, you'll hear from Mr Willer".

I nod " Alright but um, can you do that after two-thirthy? I have lunch time then" I smile weirdly.

"That's okay" he's walking out the door "just show up on time okay?"

I follow behind "Yes Sir" he's headed for the study while I make my way to the stairs. We talk now, that's a good change.


"Did you and Alex, like you know, do the thing?" Chris asks munching into his sandwich.

"No". Bad guess from a horrible guesser.

"Ok, you finally put the foot down" Levi suggests, a finger pointed at me and a carton of yogurt in his other hand.

That just isn't the best way to describe the situation.

Turning to Eiko I doubt she has anything better to guess, she's been watching Chris and Levi guess since we came to the eatery.

She gasps, her mouth ajar and a glint in her eyes. I feel a surge of hope that she'll guess right.

"He saw you in the bikini I got you!".

I sag my shoulder and hopelessly shake my head at her only failed guess.

So. We met here for lunch as always and I wore my best smile so that my close friends could know how happy I felt, because of the new route my relationship with Alex took. News flash is, they've been guessing poorly.

Eiko pouts sadly, her shoulders sagging " Wait, you didn't wear the bikini?".

No. I took my decent looking one which I haven't worn yet.

"Not yet" I tap her arm lightly.

She huffs out a breath and picks out a strawberry from her punnet of them.

"If you wore them, we'll be having tremendous news" she says before dumping the strawberry in her mouth.

"Like the thing that could happen between the both of you in a room" Chris says and winks.

Levi laughs and shakes his head "What the hell dude?".

I roll my eyes at him and continue "The thing is, we started talking" I grin "Like really well, he even stayed in bed last night" my eyes washes over their faces.

"O M Geeeee, that's amazing" Eiko squeals beside me, gripping my arm in excitment.

"Cool. What did you guys talk about?" Levi asks from across me.

"Well we talked about work and -".

Chris cuts me off with a clumsy scoffs "No wonder he went to bed straight up" he stops when he sees us giving him glares, I and Eiko minus Levi. I don't know why Levi finds Chris amusing when he's being a jerk. Maybe beacuse I knew Chris from Levi.

"Alright I'm sorry" Chris chips in "I just like keeping the mood light" he bites into his sandwich with a cool smile.

"It's not necessary now. So leave the mood the way it is" Eiko retorts and focuses on me "and?".

" Oh" I continue "his Dad and a bit of stuff about how he got into business".

" You must have bonded well, it's a great look on you" Levi says with a casual smile.

I nod.

"Yea, how about his Dad?" Eiko asks, worry flowing from her question.

"Well" I pick up my fork and use it to pry at my omelet that I haven't touched yet "not awesome".

"That's not what I wanted to hear" Chris says shaking his head a little with concern "must be hard for him. Can't imagine loosing my Dad or Mum".

Levi and Eiko nods in agreement.

"Atleast you're doing the best you can and look now he came to talk to you " she nudges me playfully, then squints at you "or was it you who went to him?".

I chuckle and shake my head "no, he came to me".

Chris sighs then does what he's good at. Keep the mood light.

"Levi do you have something to tell the people at the table?" Chris makes a show of biting into his sandwich while his eyes stays on Levi.

Levi chuckles "You're awful man".

"Say it or I will".

Levi sighs, scoops his yogurt with a spoon and closes his mouth over it. He drops the spoon in the carton then says "Well Stacy asked me out again and I said yes".

Chris grips his napkin, raises his fisted hand in the air a little and dramatically drops the napkin on the table, like all those rappers that drops their mic after dissing out. " Boom".

Mouth agape and eyes wide I reach across the table to punch Levi playfully on the arm "That's great"

He looks at me, eyes lingering for some seconds a sweet smirk on his face "I know right".

Eiko grins at him "About time. It's been a while".

Chris relaxes in his chair "I need a girlfriend ".

Eiko scoffs " You keep breaking up with them, I don't even know what a girl sees in you" she widens her eyes, feigning realisation "Oh, you're a free clown".

It's my time to burst out laughing hard,  I place a hand over my mouth and try not to make much noise, so does Levi.

"Ha ha" Chris says dryly "Very funny Eiko".

Good God. My belly.

"You know" Chris leans towards her over the table "If anyone checks clearly, they'll detect jealousy in your voice".

Eiko squints irritatingly "Are you sure you didn't bump your head? Or did you overdose your sandwich?"

"Just admit it. You fancy me a little"

She pokes a strawberry at his face, looking threateningly at him "Move away from me Christopher Payton or I will stick this strawberry into your damn eye".

Chris pulls away quickly hands up "Whoa tiger".

They liked each other like this, I've always thought Chris and Eiko would look good together but please! It's not all the time close friends ends up dating and I really don't want them splitting and ruining the friendship if they breakup.

So I enjoyed the two characters as I laughed behind my palm.


I was striding back to my office after work when Stacy called out my name "Keila".

I whirl around as she strides towards me "Hey, so um Mr Willer said to tell you that Mr Hunter asked for you" she watches me closely.

I nod "Alright. Thank you". I turn away as I keep walking. Why did she look at me like that?

Anyway. Off to go and catch a culprit and expose his crime. Hopefully.


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