25-Great news

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                   2 weeks later. Tuesday 7:13pm

Alex and I are on the bed, I'm lying on my back and he's sitting, resting his back on the bedrest. News flash. We are kicking great.

"How exactly do you know he did something?" I ask looking up at him. His eyes fixed on my laptop screen.

"I do" he says with a thoughtful frown "Mr Rourke complained that the materials he got were later discovered to be low quality and I just knew Derrick did something".

I still wasn't having much leads on Alex's F.M, Derrick.

"Why don't you ask the company where you bought the materials from? I'm sure they'll tell you how much was paid".

"I don't know why, but they won't respond, Mr Rourke asked but well, they said they delivered according to pay".

I frown in disgust "What kind of stupid company is that?".

He chuckles "I don't blame their arrogance, they have been in the business and are the best at what they do" he gazes at me "I'm unhappy with Derrick but I'll handle him as soon as I'm sure".

His attention goes back to my laptop.

Our relationship became what I always hoped for. Comfortable. Well, not all I hoped for but it's satisfying to know that I'm coming home to someone I can discuss with, he's not even always in his study but he's still there. Either way, I get to spend some time with him and I enjoy the Alex I'm with now to the one I knew before.

"Do you know you'll look good in glasses?" I say watching him closely.

He barks a laugh as his eyes catches mine "Where did that come from?".

I grin "I don't know, you look so concentrated and glasses goes well with it".

He squints thoughtfully "I guess you're right, it won't be -".

He's cut off when his phone starts to ring beside him. He looks down at the lit screen and a frown itches his brows as he quickly but carefully places my laptop on the bed and swiftly answers the call.

"Yes, hello?" He replies, calmly and with a touch of...fear.

But why?

He sat straight and uptight and..tensed.

"Wait really?" He asks in awe, his whole denamour lighting up as he shoots up from the bed pacing and beaming "Right now?" He rakes a hand through his hair "Of course, right away" he shoves the phone in his jean pocket and looks at me with so much happiness.

I'm now sitting and smiling, his happiness getting to me "What? What is it?".

"It's my Dad" he sprints towards the table grabbing his keys "They got the lungs and he's going in for surgery".

Joy. That's all I felt hearing it and seeing him so happy.

My mouth ajar, I shake my shoulders from side to side in seer happiness "O my God" I screech "Yes! That's so amazing! That's great news!".

He laughs breathlessly "I know, I can't believe it" he grips my arm lightly "I'll be back okay?" He sprints out of the room. I just grin after him. Best news ever!

I quickly rush to get my phone and call the only person that could flow in my feelings.

Eiko picks on the second ring "Hey-".

"Guess what?" I yell cutting her short.

"Jeez Keila. My eardrums please" Eiko says with a little laugh.

Alex Hunter(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now