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Some drama llama in this chapter XD (I guess....)


You were happily engaged to your handsome boyfriend and you couldn't be more happy. But something was.... off. You were just walking around New York when you saw your human form boyfriend talking to so chick who has about 50 pounds of make up on her face. You Felt jealously up you but decided to ignore it. But than you saw her lean closer and Leo didn't notice. You clung your fist until someone bump into you spilling there drink on you.

"Oh gosh I'm so sorry" you look at the handsome young man as he apologized. You look at him an a hint of blush cross your face.

"I-It's alright" you said as he grab napkins and started to wipe your chest! You blushed more but didn't say anything. But you didn't realize the Leo was starring at you. He was overly pissed and storm to y'all.

"Do you mind telling my why are you wiping my fiancé chest?!" He said and pulled you away from the stranger. You moved away from him still kinda mad at him. He growled at the guy and he moved backwards.

"Hey I'm sorry I didn't mean to, and weren't you talking to some women earlier?" He said and you tried not laugh as he got him on that on.

"Yeah but that's none of you concern or business" Leo said and you rolled your eyes.

"Well than so your cheating on her, what's is she your side chick? That's no way to treat a lady" the handsome guy says and you tried to prevent your self not to laugh.

"She is not, I would never cheat on my fiancé, that other women just started talking to me" he says.

"So then-"

"Ok let's just go" you said and grab your soon to be husband hand and walk off and seeing that slut pissed that's made you smirk.

"You know I would never-"

"I know leo" you cut him off and he smiled and kissed you.

"That's still doesn't mean I'm not mad for letting her lean on you" you said and Leo gulp knowing this wouldn't end well.



You were walking around New York after your work out like you normally do. You still had a red sports bra on and you wore basketball short this time instead of spandex because it was only the afternoon. But than you stop once you saw your fiancé talking to your old high school enemies.

"Shit..." you thought and growl. You hated them a lot. As you were focus on them some one bump into you.

"Dude! Watch were your- wait, Jake?" You said as you look at your old crush. You had the biggest crush on him. And Raph knew about him because being snoopy he end up finding out.

"(Y/N)? Hey long time no see, wow you look.... great" he said but he wanted to say something else because of your body and looks.

"Thanks you too" you said and had a tiny of blush on your face as he eyes you up and down. You glare back. Bit to see Raph staring at you but he was to focus on you than he doesn't release your enmities are touching his chest and arms! That made you pissed.

"So, what's up theses days?" He ask you and snap out of you glare and turn to him.

"Oh nothing really, you?" You ask him.

"Um great now I ran into you, you look beautiful as ever" he said and it made you blush more.

"He never said anything like this to me in high school" you thought but ignore that fact.

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