Your sorry?

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*3 weeks later*

Leo felt horrible for what he's done to you. For you. Leo left a bruised on your cheek. You were at home sitting there emotionless. Like nothing matter anymore. (I know that feeling. I went threw that :( so sad) you had no more tears for you to cry. It been 3 weeks. You kept your distance. You didn't talk to any of the turtles. April was the one who help you out. Than You heard a tap on your window but you ignore it. Than you heard a click sound.

Damn it ... I forgot he had had a key! You thought.

"(Y/N), please I'm so sorry. Please forgive me" he says and you put your hand on your cheek. Hearing Leo's voice made you start to cry again. You didn't turn around. You couldn't look at his face. It would make you feel worst. You heard his foot step coming closer and you finally turn around. You look into his blue eyes and it made you cry more. His eyes widen as he see the large bruise on your face. All the stuff animals and flowers he had on his hands drop down to be floor.

" Oh god... did i do that?" His voice cracks. You sniff as tears started falling from his eyes. He kept hiccuping as he can't stop crying that he hurt you. He pulled you into a hug and you hug back as you let sobs out.

"I'm so sorry (Y/N) please forgive me" he says and you still didn't say anything. He looks at you and kisses your injury cheek. You hiss back and he jerks.

"Sorry, please forgive me! Just one more chance please!" He begs as he gets on his knees and begs. He did the puppy eyes and soft whimpering. You giggle softy and look at him.

" Ok fine, one more chance" you said and his face lits up and presses his lips on yours. You smiled and kissed back.

"I brought you some things" he said holding one giant teddy bear, a huge bunny, and a turtles with one of Leo's extra blue mask. You giggled and took the turtle and he sets the others down.

"It's cute" you giggled and he blushed and smiles. He sits by you and pulls you closer. He kisses you and you two have been watching space heros all night and cuddle.



*2 weeks and 4 days later*

You didn't have the strength to move. Raph kicked you really hard. Every time you move or talk it hurts and you start to cry. But you try to be tough. You are tough. But the week you cried over him was nothing. You didn't cry anymore. Only for a day. But the rest you feel nothing. Only pain. Nothing really matter to you anymore. You lay in bed than you heard a click sound.

Shit! He has a key! You thought.

He jumps in and you jump up but end up scream in pain as you hit the ground. Lucky your parents weren't there. They left for a trip. You groan and tried to get up. You were in so much pain. Raph tried to help you up but you didn't want him touching you so you pushed him back. There was a huge bruise on your stomach and a bruise on the side of your jaw. Where he had punch you.

" (Y/N) please I'm so sorry for what I've done! I was a complete ass whole for what I've did to you! I didn't mean to hurt you and I feel awful for it!" He says and you look at him with Hirt I'm your eyes. He had a bouquet of roses in his hands and chocolate and a stuff bear that say 'I love you' on it. He knew you love chocolate. It your favorite.

"(Y/N) please forgive me, I'm nothing with out you" he says and his bottom lip quiver. You sigh and pulled your hair up and removed your shirt so he could see the damage he's done to you. He blushes but than gasp as he sees your stomach and jaw.

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