Text him

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You were at home alone. You were bored out of your mind. You didn't know what to do sense your parents weren't home. Than a certain turtles came into you mind. You quickly drab your phone and started to text him.

Me: Hey Leo it's (Y/N)

Leo: Oh hey! Was wondering when ya text me! Not that I was thinking about you in that way or anything!

You giggles to yourself before replying.

Me: it's ok and hey my parents aren't home, wanna come over and watch space Heroes? I know it might seem dorky to watch that show but I like it.

Leo: it's not dorky at all! I love spaces heroes and sure be there in 10

You quickly jump off your bed and put on a blue tank top that had thin straps and blue jeans. You fixed you hair quickly and waiting for Leo. But how does he know where I live? You thought but shock it off and waited.



You were bored and kept punching your leg with your good hand sense your other one was broken. You were bored and you couldn't be able to wrestle with Your brother. You felt like punching him for some reason. But than an idea came in your head. You were thinking about Raph. You grabbed your phone and started texting him.

Me: Hey

Raph: Who's this?

Me: The girl you took to get my hand patch up

Raph: Oh the really hot chick with the huge temper! Hey what's up?

You blushed at the sight that he called you really hot. But you smiled and texted him back.

Me: Um yeah that's her, (Y/N), I'm bored wanna come over?

Raph: Sure, just you and me?

Me: Yeah why?

Raph: you should know I might get freaky ;)

You blush deeper and you're mouth partly open. But inside you like it. So you decided to tease back or go along with it

Me: oh you'd that type, I like that ;) Now get your shell over here!

Raph: eager are we? Alright I'm coming be there in 10

You laugh before getting up and change into black really short shorts and a red tank top that is strap less that you can see your boobs popping out sorta of. Now you wait.



You were struggling to tinker with this robot you found but you didn't know how it fully work. But Donnie came up in your mind. You gasp before getting your phone out.

Me: Donnie! It's (Y/N)! Can you come over and help me with this robot?!

Donnie: oh hey! And sure I'll be there in 10 minutes!

He texts and you get up and put on a purple dress shirt and white tights and waited for Donnie.



You were bored out of your mind! You played videos games but it didn't help. You wanted someone like you to come over. Than Miley came up in your mind.

Me: Mikey! This is (Y/N)! Come over so I won't be bored! I got pizza!

Mikey: ok dudette! Be there in a few!

You got up ams went to get pizza and you got yourself ready for Mikey to come over. You couldn't wait.

#TMNTजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें