Story time (A/N)

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Story time (A/N)

Ok guys I had just woke up and it's 12:40 the time I woke up and I was having a dream or a tiny nap and I was having a horrible dream, it wasn't good. I was latterly crying in my sleep while have it. So I'm going to tell you some details before I start it. (I'm not going to tell you the beginning cuz it's super weird.)

I'm Raph's girlfriend in my dream I suppose but we didn't kiss or anything.

Yes the turtles are in my dream.

It was I guess the end of the world, but the thing there were dinosaurs in my dream. Well than lets start.

And here's a line from my dream that's got to me.

"That won't bring Raph back..."


It was the end of the world. There was no way outta this. Everyone was going to die. One by one. I was with my friends, the turtles, and, boyfriend Raph. We were all trying to find a way out. Leo was the on who was trying. But then I slip I yelp as I reach my hand up to grabs Raph's it was no use. I was stuck , sliding slowly towards the lava. I tried crawling up people and random objects and it worked. I climb back up as Raph pulled me up. Leo was the one that was a bit off before he jump in.

"Leo no!" I scream and he gave me the sad smile saying "there's no use, give up. There's no way Outta this". That's look that's said that's. He was giving himself up to die because leo, THE LEO couldn't find a way. Than once he reach to the lava thingy...... he was gone. I stare in horror Leo was gone. I look back at Donnie and he pointed to a cliff motions us to go up there. Me and Mikey followed his orders and went to the cliff. I look back at Raph we was looking down at the people and remembering Leo had left us. Sure enough most people died and it got dark. Raph was holding a picture of him and two other girls and I couldn't help but a hint of jealously come across me.

"Raph's who's that?" I ask but he didn't hear me, he kept looking at a picture.

"Raph's who's that?!" I said louder. He didn't look at be for a bit until he finally turn to look at me.

"This use to be my friend until I found out she was part of the foot and it didn't go good for on" he said and I nodded in understand-ment. I was up high and Raph was down there. Than the lava grew brighter. Raph look at me and gave me a heart warming smile. I gals knowing what he was going to do.

"Nooooo!" I scream and reach for him but I was too late. He was gone. I started crying. He was.....gone. But after 'the end of the world' thing happen me, donnie, and Mikey were the only ones who served around this area. The we decided to go in the sewers and I went my own way. But once I went to go visited it was a mess. Mikey was different. He turn into something else, a rat? Or is the just splinter. He was going crazy and I saw do miss face. He face had nothing except his skull and it green skin on the side and the back of his face and the from was just his skull and full of bugs. He was gone too.

"We'll be happy together" Mikey said ask wrap and arm around Donnie's corpse shoulder. But what I didn't know that Donnie was turn back into a small turtle and I don't know about his corpse. Than April was there but as a kid yet she still had a mature mind and talked.

Than all that changed. I was back home, in a new home. My uncle was there sitting across from me. We were eating these chocolate stick or something.

"This house scares me" he was looking down at the window.

"Yes because it might fall and stuff" I said and he nodded. I was just looking out side and think some one come and kill us or something. Than that guy from dog with the blog, the other brother came, I don't know why I guess he was my brother. And I look at my Christmas sock. I remember I got a neckless with the letter 'R' in it. It reminds me of Raph. That's why my mom got it. I got up and sat somewhere else. I look at my sticking. I made that says Gazz, or Zeus either one. I stretch them because that's was a nick name or something from Raph. Than tears started to pick up my eyes and sure enough I burst out in tears. My mom came to me and hug me.

"What's wrong?" She ask and I shook my head. I kept crying for Raph.

"What's the matter?" She snaps at me. I moved awaya and look at her. Damn women.

"N-Nothing" I mumbler. my mom wouldn't understand and doesn't know about Raph. They think I might be joking.

"I'm calling grandma" she says and I shook my head. I don't want to. I don't think my moms, mom. Talking won't bring Raph back. Nothing will bring him back.

"No I'm not talking to her" I said and got up to walk away to ,y room. Now I was crying my eyes out to make me not talk. My heart acts.

"Come here" she says as she finds her number.

"No I'm not talking to her" I snap and walk away.

I just want to be alone.


That's when I woke up crying. It was horrible for me. Anyways I will post the next chapter of this story and might delete this later. But that's it. That's all I wanted to tell you guys.

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