Too cute

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I mean an edit of leo! I hope his little bunny costume looks cute!



You were walking down to the lair and you had a bag with you filled with 'stuff'. You saw Leo walk into his room and followed him. You smiled cheekily and open it and lock it once you were in.

"Oh hey (Y/N) what's in the bag?" he ask you and sat down on his bed. You unzip the back and pulled and bunny ears! you smiled evilly and Leo look worried.

"(Y-Y/N) what are you doing?"

"Nothing, just hold still! you said and put the ears on him, quickly grabbing a pink bow tie and put on a fake bunny nose on him. You squeal at him as how cute he looks! he blushes and you quickly took your phone out and took a picture of him. His eyes blur for a moment and realize you too a picture of him.

"Oh my god! you look so cute and adorable Leo!" you squeal and Leo was about to tell you to delete the photos but he found it cute how you fangirl over him. So he kept quiet and smiled softly.

"Can you please wear for the rest of the afternoon?" You ask fluttering your eyes. He chuckled at you and you did puppy eyes at him.

"Ok fine, only for you" he says and you squeal happily.

'He look so adorable. He should be that for Halloween!' you thought.



You walk into Raphs room where he was sleeping. You being the little cheeky person you are, you had little cat ears a nose. You put the cat ears on and the nose. You covered your mouth preventing you from squealing at the adorable-ness. You pulled out your phone and took multiple pictures of him. After you were done you let out a squeal and he woke up.

"Huh? (Y/N)? What's up?" he says and yawn. He looks so tired and he stick his tongue out which made it so cute because he was still wearing the kitten outfit.

"What the? (Y/N) did you do this to me?!" He shouts and you laugh.

"Oh come on! you look so adorable!" you scream and punch his cheeks. He blushes a bit and looks at you. He huffs and crosses his arms.

"Like I told you before, I'm sexy not adorable" he says and you roll you eyes while smiling.

"Yes you are Raph but you adorable too" you said.

"Now keep that outfit on! you look so c-, I mean sexy!" you corrected yourself.

"Ok fine, only cuz you said I'm sexy" he smirks and you smiled at him.

'Phew... glad that worked' you thought.



You walk straight to Donnie's lab and in your hands you had a panda suit you want Donnie to try on! you thought he'd look adorable when he wears it!

"Donnie!" you sing and walk in his lab closing the doors. He looks up at you and smile showing his cute gap.

"Donnie! baby can you put this panda suit for me? please!" you said and his smile disappeared.

"Erm.... why?" he questions and you fell on your knees and did the puppy face with the kawaii eyes!

"Please Donnie-D!" you beg him and he bit his lip. He couldn't say no to you.

"Fine" he gave in and started to put the outfit on.

"Yay!" you said and waited for him. He finishes putting it on and you jaw drop. He. Look. So. Cute!

"Ahhh!" you squeal around like a Japanese high school girl. You took your phone out and took pictures of him.

"(Y/N)!" he says and blushes. You run to him and cuff his cheeks. You couldn't get over that he look cute in a adorable way!

"So Kawaii!" you said and he got confused on what you said but than it hit in. He knew Japanese and under stand what you said. He blushes and smiles a bit. He wraps his arms around you. You blushed a bit and look at him before he kissed you.

(Kawaii = Cute)

"I am kawaii!" he says and you giggled at him.

"Yes you are Donnie-D!" you said and your voice deepen at the end. He laughs at you. He kisses you nose and you crinkle a bit and he found it cute that you did.

"Now stay like this! don't take it off not yet" you ask him and he shrugs and nods.

'Too much cuteness happening!" you thought.



You had a bear costume that you thought would look cute on Mikey. You look around in the lair and found Mikey in his room.

"Mikey boo! put this one!" you ask him. He smiled before putting it on. Mikey's the one who would put on stupid consume or anything. He finishes and looks up at you. You squeal loud and jump around. You pulled out your phone and took pictures of him wearing the bear costume.

"You look so cute Mikey!" you said and he blushes a shade of pink and laughs at you for girling around.

"I am adorable!" he says and you smiled before hugging him. He felt so much softer when you hug him. Because of the fur.

"Yes you are Mikey" you said and pinch his cheeks.

"Buy not as adorable as you" he says and pokes your cheek. You blush and smiled at him.

'I have one amazing boyfriend' you thought.


Just a random chapter. I mainly wanted to make this because of some edits I made! I posted Leo and the next I'll post Raph as a kitty!

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