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"You both seems closer"

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"You both seems closer"

"We are" Her gaze landed on the male beside her, eyes were struck mixed with confusion by his sudden blurt.

"Do a man and woman can really be just friends?" What you think huh?" Jeno asked directly, catching her full attention.

"Why not?"

He raised a brow, trying to examine her to understand her deeper point of view. He poked her, trying to figure out something new. "Look at Jaemin, Isn't he so nice to you?"

He saw her glance flickered from afar, watching her friend bought a drink and food for her naturally without even asking nor splitting to pay for their meal.

She looked back to Jeno with bewildered face, shooking her head. "What are you trying to say?"

"Guess it"

"You know what, stop giving everything a malicious meaning. You're changing every little good thing's purpose." She rumbled "Jaemin is my bestfriend"

He scoff at sudden twist, rolling his eyes. "If for you he's just being nice, what do you think of me doing the same to you?"

Ahyi's eyes shot open, seeing a sinister smile plastered on his face.

"I don't want to be just your friend" He added before dusting his pants off, leaving her in an utter of shock.

"What are you doing?"

"Fuck!" Her papers flew, dropping the books in her hand as she crouch on the ground with her hands clasping against her chest. "What the heck–"

Her heart almost left her body in the sudden disrupt of silence, scowl creeping up as the moon lit upon her face.

Her gaze went up, meeting a tall male's silhouette as he let out a monotonous chuckled, handling his palm out.

Ahyi hissed, ignoring his presence. She rolled her eyes in dismay, dusting her pants off. "You didn't have to scare me to get my attention"

He timidly smiled, finding her humorously like before yet she's still distant towards him. He sigh– helping her to pick up the scattered papers on the floor instead. "I'm sorry"

"No it's fine" She shooked her head, taking her stuffs from his hand. "Why are you here tho?"

Jeno furrowed his brows, gazing around. "You're practically outside the school gates in the nightfall, aren't you supposed to be at home?"

"I went to a shop near here and didn't track the time, unfortunately there isn't a bus anywhere so I couldn't go home. You?"

"I just finished some school works" He muttered while she nodded in response, holding her book tightly against her chest.

"Uhm– Ahyi."


"Do you want me to drop you off since you house is on the way."

"Me?" Tilting her head, she frantically blink her eyes, pointing at herself. Ahyi shook her head, declining his offer politely "Ah- no, no... I'm fine"

"I insist, Please." He mumbled, holding an eye contact with her. "But waiting for a good 30 minutes for the next bus to arrive won't hurt"

"30 minutes?!"

He undoubtedly shook his head leaving Ahyi no choice. Thinking about how long she might wait for a ride, she let Jeno bring her home without a second thought, patiently waiting for Jeno to get his car.

The moment Ahyi hopped inside the car, she stayed silent– landing her gaze on the window.

"Are you staying here for good?"

She broke away from her deep thoughts, twitching on her seat as she face the male to acknowledge him. "Uh– I'm not sure"


"I actually just came here for a vacation, but my mothe– biological mother planned otherwise"

He awed on her reply, somewhat feeling happy when she spoke up. Jeno unknowingly smiled, eyes staring at the road.

"What's funny?" Her voice echoed in his ears, momentarily changing his expression. Tho her tone sounded so light, he dodge the smile that just creep up on his face, wearing his mask again "What? Did I say something wrong?"

He shook his head, taking a glimpse of the girl who looked at her. Her hand were clutching on her seatbelt while other one was place on top of her book that was resting on her lap.

"Have you ate anything? Do you want to eat outside?"

"I just want to go home Jeno" She mindlessly mumbled, rubbing her temple as the boy stayed painfully silent.

Her mind were filled of clouds, just thinking about how she just fucked up. She immediately took back her words, instinctively placing a hand on his arm. "I didn't mean it that way"

"No it's fine–"

"It's not." She disagreed while habitually motioning her hand to explain. "I just had a very long day Jeno. All I want as of now is to go home and rest, I don't have an appetite, but It doesn't mean I don't want to eat anymore" She slyly smiled.

"Next time, Let's eat outside" Her gaze bore on him guilty. "Please don't think that I hate you. I think of this multiple times and I'm still bothered by it. I already forgot about the past, Trust me and if ever I dodge away your presence, it's not because I'm pushing you away."

At last, the burden that was weighing on her chest for a good three years was almost finally gone.

Her truthfulness might gave anyone a huge impact or end into no where but the feeling of freeing herself the cage she build on her own let her breathe in relief.

Her truthfulness might gave anyone a huge impact or end into no where but the feeling of freeing herself the cage she build on her own let her breathe in relief

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