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"Ahyi! come let's eat" Emma, Ahyi's mother shouted, steps can be heard as she approached the stairs

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"Ahyi! come let's eat" Emma, Ahyi's mother shouted, steps can be heard as she approached the stairs.

She immediately wiped her tears before Emma might saw her in a messed up state. Fixing herself, the door unexpectedly creaked, light passing through the opening as when Ahyi starts panicking.

"What happed to you darling?"

"Hmm? Nothing happened to me" Ahyi shook her head smiling as she grabbed her mother's arm to go down stairs.

In a swift, Emma engulfed Ahyi into a warm hug, caressing her. "Do you wanna talk about it?"

She felt the urge to deny what's going on but nonetheless, the broken hearted girl burst into tears again, hugging her mom back.

"Why did they need to make fun of me? I didn't do anything to him." Ahyi mumbled under her breath, sniffling.

"Ahyi, baby don't cry. Remember that those kind of people doesn't deserve your precious tears. understood?"

"It just hurts that I actually believe that it was all true."

"I may not know the truth but do you want me to slap him in the butt for you?"

"Yes please" Ahyi and Emma laughed at their silliness, enjoying the comfort they both received.

The two of them stayed in that way, ruling her mother's instincts, Emma supported her daughter by comforting her all night long.

"You are so cool, Ahyi! Have you seen the video they uploaded on the school student's jamming website– It was so hilarious and their editing skills are so lit." Soomi exclaimed, clapping her hands in satisfaction.

"What do you mean? They posted the whole thing-"


"Oh god-"
Ahyi sigh, closing her eyes in frustration– rubbing her temples.

Knowing the fact that everyone in school might saw the video makes her head aches. She hung her head low while the both of them walked through the hallway- passing the crowed. "Let's not talk about it Soomi"

"Oh my"
"She has a nerve"
"Do you saw the video?"
"I bet Jeno is going after her"
"If I were here, Im going to transfer to another school"

Wanting to forget about what happened isn't that easy especially if there's a lot of gossips around you- making it all unforgettable and suffocating.

She remained her steady posture, looking forward to end the day and wanting to rest from all the commotion, not giving a damn on anyone's opinion.

Finally they reached their room, sitting on their designated seats. Ahyi leaned on her chair, watching the students in boredom.

"Ahyi, you are so great. Thank you!"
Renjun utter, beaming with joy as he laugh with his friends.

Ahyi was caught off guard, grabbing Renjun's arm to stop him from walking. "Can I ask you something?"

Renjun gasp, covering his mouth in shock. Ahyi looked puzzled at his reaction, remembering what she heard yesterday.

She let go of Renjun's arm, standing in front of the guy to get a better view of his expression, in case he might deny something– taking the only chance she have to clear the questions in her mind.

"I lowkey heard you guys talking, and some gossips." She mumbled hesitantly– almost whispering every words. "Is it about the... Bet?"

Everyone in the background, including the peoples who are involve in the game heard her question, breaking into chatter.

Renjun continuously rub his nape, regretting the words he blurted out as he felt the guiltiness wrapping him "Uh I– Uhm y- yes– I'm really really sorry about that Ahyi"

"No- don't be sorry, I thought I was being delusional" Ahyi tsked "Im okay Renjun, I'm happy that you're being honest with me"

"No hard feelings?"

Ahyi showed her gummy smile yet it doesn't reached her eyes, vigorously nodding her head. "No hard feelings"

She grasp on her uniform, shrugging the feeling of suffocation. She avoided everyone's gaze, not letting anyone came in contact with her.

Soomi watch her friend in frustration, she wants to stand for her and piss Jeno's group in revenge, sending them death glare.

"Soomi, I'm just going to the ladies room."
Ahyi stated, grabbing her bag- making Soomi glance at her

"But lesson will start in just a minute"
Soomi held Ahyi's hand, reminding her.

"I'll be back before the lessons start"
She said, reassuring Soomi.

"Let me come with you"

"No need, just stay here"
Ahyi ran away, leaving the room and her friend behind

Chenle nudge Renjun, demanding for his attention "You're being insensitive. You should have just shut your mouth, you know"

"But she said it's fine, didn't you heard her?" Renjun argued

"She also deserve to know the truth"

2 hours already passed without Ahyi's presence and it's already lunch time when Soomi get a chance to looked for her, running around to catch a sight of her.

Soomi can't find Ahyi anywhere that's when she started to feel anxious- badly wanted to see her friend.

Panting like hell, Soomi slammed the table in front of her- gaining the boy's attention.
"Jaem, have you seen Ahyi?"

"No, why?" Jaemin asked worriedly

"She already skipped 2 classes and I haven't seen her anywhere. Ahyi told me not to worry and she is just going to the ladies room but she's nowhere to be found"

"Have you seached for her or atleast dialed her phone?" Jeamin said

"Yes but she didn't picked it up. This school is huge Jaemin, I can't find her all by myself" Soomi spat, feeling annoyed.

"I'll help you" Jaemin said leaving his friends, running away to find Ahyi

"I'll help you" Jaemin said leaving his friends, running away to find Ahyi

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