✔ C h a p t e r 16

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Anxiously walking her way through the huge hallway– she instinctively followed the room and hall signages, wandering around the different floors

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Anxiously walking her way through the huge hallway– she instinctively followed the room and hall signages, wandering around the different floors.

After almost 15 minutes, she successfully spotted the business management lecture room, opening the empty room.

Ahyi stepped inside, gazing around.
"I should make friends" She mumbled under her breathe, sitting near the front row of the room.

She stayed there silently waiting for her co-students to arrive when suddenly a teacher glance inside the room, checking something.

"You must be my new student?"
He began, startling Ahyi.

She immediately bowed 90 degree, greeting the older male politely. "Yes Mr, I am Jang Ahyi"

"Ms. Jang, nice to meet you. I am your business management professor, Johnny Suh"

"Good afternoon Mr. Suh"

"I knew you'll be heading here so I decide to pass through." He casually informed, enlightening up the mood a bit "I told everyone to proceed to the school auditorium instead"

"Oh- okay..."

"I'll be meeting everyone there"
Ahyi bowed again, thanking her teacher before leaving the room.

"I'm sure every groups already came up with new ideas for the upcoming school fair project right?"

The students said in unison, except for Ahyi who sat there listening to the overwhelming chatter.

"You're new right?" The girl beside her asked, poking her shoulder.

"I am... My name is Ahyi"

Handling out her hand, she started to introduce herself. "Nice to meet you Ahyi, I am Jia. I'm the business management representative from our batch so don't hesitate to ask questions or if you need any help"

"Thank you Jia"
Ahyi nod in gratefulness, shooking her hand. "I'm just curious about the project Mr. Suh's talking about"

"He divided the whole class into six groups to handle a business simulation, where we are tasked to came up with different ideas to earn money as a huge project for the semester. He gave us 3 months to plan and checked our proposals every now and then."

"Oh– it does sounds like a huge project."

"I know right- Ask Sir after the class so you'll be updated about the event"

"Sure, Thank you again Jia~"

"No problem"

"Hey, Are you guys still listening to me?"
Johnny asked in a friendly tone, clapping his hands to earn everyone's attention. "Leaders, I'll be checking the business themes you planned again in the end of this week so make sure to propose it smoothly, understood?"

"Yes Sir" Someone shouted from behind before everyone gathered by groups.

"And before I forgot, the student council and representatives will be meeting in this room under my supervision so the class will be discontinued, right Jia?"

"Yes sir, but we'll meet after class."

"It's fine... I wanted the room to be clean before someone else will use it, so everyone gather all your things, including your trash before leaving the auditorium." Johnny informed- pointing out the scattered papers on the bleachers.
"Class dismissed!"

Everyone cheered happily- breaking into chatter as they seize the opportunity to finally go home.

"Ms. Jang, can you stay for a moment. Let's talk about your grades" Ahyi nod in acknowledgement before grabbing her stuffs.

The moment all the student vanish, her heart started to frantically pumped– waiting for Mr. Suh to speak up.

"Since you started the school year a little late, Me and your other teachers decided to talked about how will you catch up with the others." He began.
"Actually your old school is a little too advance compared to ours, some of the lectures are already tackled on your school so I'm pretty sure you'll catch up immediately"

"We agreed on letting you make 5-10 pages of paper report on each topic connected to the subject your taking." He added, handling a piece of paper.

"And another thing, for your business simulation– you'll be helping the school council officers as per Mrs. Kim recommendation. She told us that you love baking and you're good at it so maybe you could help them out"

Ahyi mindlessly nod, eyes are wide open as she scanned the 5 different topics they gave her. "Don't worry Ahyi, you still have lot's of time before the semester ends. I'm sure you can do all of that."

"I hope so" She mumbled under her breathe, rubbing her nape in worry "Sir I have another question, what concept of business the student council will be doing?"

"About that let's wait for Jeno to arrive here, I'm sure he's on his way"

"J- Jeno?"

"Yeah, he is the president of the students organization. He's also in my business management class– oh, he's already here!"
Mr. Suh exclaimed, waving his hands.

Ahyi immediately turned around from the door, heart throbbing in nervousness as she coldly sweat. She saw how he walk near them in her peripheral vision– carrying a bunch of books in his hands.

"Here is the books you asked John– Mr. Suh." Jeno utter, noticing the familiar lady whose back facing them.

"Ms. Jang, are you okay?"

"Huh?" She gulped, slowly turning around
"Yes sir, I just checked my phone"

Johnny nodded in acknowledgement before patting Jeno. "So she'll be joining you and the student council members for your event and business simulation. I hope you'll guide and take care of her"

"Ahyi, use those books as reference." He informed as he pointed at the books Jeno was holding earlier. "I'll be leaving the both of you for a moment"

That was the last words they heard before the door was banged close, room is engulfing by a pure awkward silence– leaving the two in an utter of shock.

That was the last words they heard before the door was banged close, room is engulfing by a pure awkward silence– leaving the two in an utter of shock

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