Chapter 52

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Jordan's P.O.V.

I give Celius a hug to bid him goodbye. The council members, Frank, Seth, and I have spent the day together. After brunch, we all helped the staff do their chores. It was quite funny watching Sar sweep and dance to more recent music than she's used to. I did take Celius' advice and chose a more appropriate music type. "Maybe come visit me sometime in a friendly manner, old man," I smile and we pull from the hug.

Celius holds me at arm's length and looks me over with a smile. "I'm so proud of you J. I'll be back to check on you. In a friendly manner of course," He smiles before walking out. Seth and I wave bye from the entryway as they all set off in their cars. We walk back in and shut the door.

"Well, somehow you managed to trick them into thinking you're fit for the title," June's shrill voice rings through the room. I roll my eyes and decide it best to ignore her. I grab Seth's arm and we start to walk away. June sidesteps, so she is blocking our walkway.

"Move." I use my Luna voice, deciding it's best to just get her out of my way and continue. June fights to resist, but ultimately moves out of our way. We continue walking back to my room. Well, Liam's room, or our room? I'm really not sure. Especially with all this drama his mother is causing.

"Mark my words Jordan, you will fall, and I will hold my title again," June shouts after me. I freeze, completely stopping in my tracks. I whip my head around and give her the biggest smile I can muster. I saunter over to her. She holds her head high, but I can see her hands shaking. She's afraid. Good.

"Listen you conniving bitch, the title is mine. It will be mine until it is time for me to step down and my child to rise with their mate. You will never hold this title again, and if you dare to threaten me again... Well sweetie, I don't give a shit if you are the Moon Goddess herself, you will feel my wrath," my voice is laced with Estelle's. My eyes are black, and my body radiates power. "Now you have a great rest of your day," I smile and pat her shoulder before going back to Seth and skipping off. My eyes go back to their green color.

June stands dumbfounded before I hear her stomp and storm away. I roll my eyes; she is without a doubt going to tell Liam I threatened her. Seth laughs at me. "You really know how to make friends, huh?" He asks as we continue the walk. I shrug and look up at him.

"You know she started that, I was just finishing it," I reply smugly. Seth shakes his head at me. "What?" I question him.

"Spoken like a true leader J," he scoffs. I sigh. He's right. The rest of our walk to the room is silent as I run through everything in my head. Damn I just spent the whole afternoon trying to prove myself worthy of this role, and I just threatened the former Luna. She was acting like a total bitch, but I have to rise above it.

I open the door to the room. Seth walks in and sits on a chair in the seating area of the massive room. I head to the closet and start tossing out outfit ideas. Seth gives the thumbs up and down at all ten dresses I throw out. We finally decide it is between two.

"Okay, the goal of the night is to make wolf boy jealous. Wear the red one that hugs your body! Men will be drooling all over you!" He exclaims as if the answer is so clear. I look back to the pink one. It is latex, short, and shiny. I look at the red dress. It has smalls crystals that give it a glitter, sparkly effect. It is long but has a high slit on the right side. It does hug my body in all the right ways, but more of my scars show in it.

I look back and forth at them, still unsure. Seth stands and picks up the red one. He spins it around and nods. "See! It even twirls. It'll look great on the dancefloor. Which is where you will spend most of the night, while I stand at the bar and hit on girls," he smirks. I roll my eyes. He's quite a pig, but I love him.

I finally give in and put the dress on. I curl my hair and apply light makeup. I cover some of my scars that are more visible with concealer. I grab some black pumps and put my earrings in. Seth reenters after leaving to go get ready. He's dressed in dark jeans with a black V cut shirt on. I give my nod of approval. We head to the door. Now time to go convince the big bad wolf to go out with us.

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