Chapter 3

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Braven's P.O.V.

I smirk at Jordan's immediate anger. She wasn't expecting me to get in touch with my pack as quickly as I did it seems. The Omega doesn't take long to answer her. Despite our Royal titles we can't seem to resist answering this strong Luna. What's even more intriguing is she's unmated, leading a pack of her own, and 19. She must have power or else this pack would've been destroyed long ago by stupid alphas trying to attack and mate her against her will for strong offspring.

"I am Royal Omega Axle," Axle says and looks up at her with his brown eyes. He's 26 and looks like a small child. He is big and muscular for an Omega, but he has a boyish face and his brown hair is always in his eyes. I squint at him. He seems entranced with her. I let out a low chuckle reminding him we are on business and she is not his mate.

"So, you Royals think it's cool to sneak some random person into my territory and demand secrecy over my own pack!" Jordan is fuming and her words come out with a deep growl following. She's pissed and I may have just ended our lives.

"I apologize!" I burst out quickly and show submission to her hoping the ego boost she gets from me bowing is enough to calm her angry wolf. She lets out an evil chuckle and her eyes are completely black staring deep into mine. I feel small and I feel my throat closing and getting tighter. I start to struggle.

Jordan keeps staring and choking me. I try to break away from her stare and find myself locked in. Suddenly, an older, short fat man burst in and Jordan's eyes falter.

"DINNER IS READY LUNA AND GUESTS!" The man screams and Jordan suddenly calms down immensely and smiles.

"Thank you, Frank. We will be there shortly." She says and dismisses him with a smile. She looks over at me with a glare. "I did not kill you nor did I plan on it but thank Frank for cutting your torture short." She growls at me. I look her with wide eyes.

I'm not afraid of her. I knew she wasn't going to kill me. I will, however, tell Frank thank you because that was quite a pain to feel. I nod at her and smile. I'm so intrigued by her and the fact she knew I would not attack while she calmly returned to Luna duties. This short, beautiful young girl may be a huge problem. I was unaware of just the power she possessed.

I look over at Axle who is trembling with fear. Jordan shrugs her shoulders and leads us to the kitchen. Well, she just started walking away without saying anything at all. I knew she expected us to follow, so rather than get choked or starved, I stand and follow without a word exchanged between anyone.

We walk into the kitchen and see the kitchen staff running around like crazy. It looks like they were preparing a feast and much to my surprise Jordan immediately screams for Frank.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE THEY DOING, FRANK?" Frank jumps and swallows hard, but still approaches her. He even reaches out and touches her. She growls the whole time but allows him. The old man explains that she said prepare a feast and he was informed there were some royals that were guests. She growls louder when he says 'Royals'.

She dismisses him, understanding why he did what he did, but she's clearly not happy. I smirk knowing she would probably have me eating some crackers and soup not a feast. Axle clears his throat.

"It smells delicious in here," he smiles and gives a boyish grin trying to lighten the mood. He doesn't understand Jordan and her methods. No one felt the mood was low or tense. The staff had continued preparing while she was screaming. Her pack recognizes how powerful she is and while they are scared, they still recognize her as their Luna. The Luna is loving.

Well, she's supposed to be. Jordan is currently Luna and Alpha so I understand she does have to keep her emotions within check, but I can sense there is love and fear. That is the good mix for someone who is leading a pack. Too much fear and your pack may revolt against you. Too much love and your pack will walk all over you and never respect you.

Jordan leads us into the dining room. She sits at the head of the table and I sit on her right side and Axle sits to my right. The staff immediately pours us all some wine and water. We are all served salads and rolls. Frank really had set up a feast for the three of us, but I hope he made extra because soon-

"WHO THE FUCK ELSE DID YOU INVITE ONTO MY FUCKING TERRITORY WITHOUT ASKING?!" Jordan has me up in the air by my throat, she is still sitting in her chair though. How strong is she?! I am squirming a bit as the air is slowly lessening and I keep getting raised higher and higher up.

"It's the Royal Alpha! Braven's brother!" Axle shouts out when he sees I'm not answering and starting to turn purple. While the pack I escaped from tonight was not my original pack and I was only there for a year, I am weak. Normally I would be able to resist her better, I think. Jordan drops me to the floor, and I land with a thud. A server comes over and puts ranch on her salad and she resumes eating.

I stand up and am about to question her about how she knew he was here before I even knew but thought best not to push my luck and I sit back down in my chair. I gulp down my water and a server set up a spot to the left of Jordan for my brother and brings me more water. 

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