Chapter 36

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Liam's P.O.V.

It is a round room with an opening in the ceiling that allows light in. There is a couch in the middle of the room and crystals in the floor around it. There's a table in front of the couch on a rug. On the table is a very thick, old book in the middle with some writing in gold on top of it. The negative energy is coming from the book. It grows and a black cloud starts to grow around the book.

"Jordan, what is that?" My eyes do not leave the book. She calmly walks over to it and runs her hand over the top of it. It bursts into flames. A loud growl leaves my chest and I snatch Jordan away from it immediately.

"Release her." A dark voice echoes through the room and I growl more. Jordan rubs my chest and pulls away from me causing me to growl louder. Jordan walks over to the couch and sits down. I look at her with bewilderment and I start to see red. The growls keep pouring out of me, I feel like I am fueled with rage.

"Liam, you need to take deep breaths and come sit. The energy your feeling will leave soon. SETH!!!!!! Quit fucking with him!" She shouts and I start searching around for this Seth character. A figure peels away from the shadow of the wall. I snarl and flash my canines. A dark laugh ripples through the cave.

"Calm down dog. Don't get your tail in a twist," Seth starts laughing. He finally steps out into the light and I see his true figure. He has horns and wings growing out his back. Another growl ripples through my body. Jordan stands and walks toward Seth. My growl is continuous and grows louder the closer she gets.

"Liam this is my cousin Seth. He is full demon, but he isn't dark and evil. We're more fallen angels than demons really, but the curse on the family... It makes us appear as demons and demonesses," Jordan and Seth hug and he ruffles her hair. She smiles and suddenly all the anger in my body is gone. I'm calm. Seth laughs at me.

"Sorry, I wasn't sure who you were. If you're blinded by rage, you don't think attacks through as well. It's easier for me to kill you, if you can't think anything through," Seth explains and gives me a small apologetic smile. Jordan slaps his chest lightly.

"Liam, you have seen my wolf. I would like to show you my other form as well..." Jordan trails off. I study her face and notice her green eyes are now red. I give a small nod. Jordan's body erupts in flames, it appears as if her skin is melting away. I feel fear consume me as I watch her transform.

The flames dissipate and where my beautiful porcelain, green eyed, blue haired mate was standing is now a red demoness with beautiful black wings and black hair. Her eyes are piercing red and her body reeks of power. She has long, sharp horns on each side of her head. Her nails are long and sharp. Grim feels uneasy, but I stand still and study her.

Jordan doesn't move toward me at all, but she tilts her head to the side. "Are you afraid of me, mate?" She chuckles darkly. I gulp and shake my head.

"I am not afraid. Simply worried." I stay short. Her other form has more control than Estelle typically does. Jordan cannot control this form as well as her wolf. Seth looks between us and shrugs his shoulders.

"I think she's fine. A bit angry, something must have pissed her off. Usually she is a bit more in control," Seth touches Jordan's shoulder and shakes her slightly. She looks at him with disgust which makes him laugh again. "Oh yea, something pissed her off. Nothing like some airtime to cool off though," He barely finishes before Jordan shoots off. She flies through the opening and is gone within a blink of the eye. Seth looks over at me as I stare up in amazement. "Come on wolf boy, let's go find her," He tosses me some clothes.

I quickly get dressed. Seth motions for me to come closer to him. My skin crawls because I can feel the dark energy coming off of him. Jordan is a good person; I know she is. She said they are fallen angels but cursed. I trust Jordan, but do I trust this person? How do I know that any of this is true? She could just be a demon that tricked me into thinking we were mates to overthrow my kingdom.

"Dude, I can read your thoughts. I'm not evil. Just come on and I'll show you just how awful we are," Seth grabs my arm and shoots off into the air.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I scream bloody murder the whole time. Seth keeps laughing which just pisses me off. I am the Royal Alpha; he needs to respect me. I stop screaming to frown. Seth ignores me and keeps flying incredibly fast. Clouds are zipping past us as he picks up speed. "Where are we going?!" I shout so he can hear me over the wind.

"To hell."

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