In The Halls Of Kings

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The dwarves called for another celebration, in honor of Y/n's return. Pretty soon, elves, humans, and others had come. Erebor was soon full of different people from everywhere. Y/n was in awe of it all, before she heard a voice coming from the entrance.

"Did I miss the celebration?" Y/n spun on her heels to see a woman holding a staff in the entry way. Her dark hair cascaded down her shoulders and her eyes were bright.

Gandalf seemed to look at her in awe, causing Y/n to wonder who she was and why she seemed so familiar. She pushed a strand of hair behind her ear, which revealed that they were pointed. It figured that she was an elf, due to her thin figure and posture.

"It is wonderful to see you again," Gandalf smiled, hugging the elf. She copied his smile as she hugged back. Y/n stepped closer and the elf looked to her.

"Y/n. My dear, come closer," she said. Y/n took cautious steps closer. The elf knelt down in front of her and smiled softly. "Guess wishes do come true." She winked. Y/n tilted her head in confusion.

"Do I know you?" There was no denying some familiarity radiating from the woman, but Y/n couldn't place it.

"Well, you wished I could meet the people you did and to see Middle Earth..." she shrugged. "I guess it worked."


"Yes. It's me," she grinned. Y/n placed her hands over her mouth and gasped softly before throwing her arms around Dawn's neck.

"I can't believe you're here! Wait, how are you here?"

"That is an interesting story... My mother knew Smaug was heading towards Erebor, and this was back when the dwarves and elves lived in harmony, so she sent me to basically an alternate reality where I'd be safe until my mortal body died. Once I did, I returned here to Middle Earth, where I belong."

Y/n chuckled. "So the entire time you've been an elf? In human form?"

"Yes. I knew of the prophecy about the girl with fire for hair and made a silent deal to myself that I would do everything I could to not let my mortal body die until you were in Middle Earth. Looks like it worked," she explained. "Oh, and I have something to tell you..."

"What is it?"

"You asked me to look over Moon... But I can't..."

Y/n felt a tear slide down her cheek. "What? Why?"

"I can't because..." She paused, glancing back to the entrance. Y/n looked as well, and gasped loudly.

A large bee buzzed into the hall, happy and joyous. As soon as he saw Y/n, he let out a happy buzz and circled her head before landing in her hands, looking up at her as if saying, 'See? I'm not dead! Are you proud of me?'

"MOON!" Y/n cheered, carefully hugging the bee as he buzzed happily in her hands. Kili heard her exclamation and came over to investigate.

"What's going on?" he asked. Moon flew over to him, landing on his head and curling up into his hair. "Moon? How are you alive?"

"That's partially my doing," Dawn began, looking at Kili. "Y/n thought I was dead, and she asked me to look after Moon. Well, I was from here, so I didn't die. I decided to alter her wish by bringing Moon back to life."

Kili looked shocked. "Really? That's amazing!" Kili lifted the bee into his hands and ran his fingers over his soft body, Y/n copying his actions.

"Oh, and Y/n?"


Dawn leaned closer to her ear and whispered, "Nice choice." She gestured to Kili, making Y/n blush.

"Shall we, milady?" Kili questioned, offering Y/n his arm.

"We shall," Y/n giggled as Moon nestled into Kili's shoulder. Kili led her onto the golden floor and placed his hand on her waist and held her hand in his other. Music began playing and several couples began drifting over the floor in a sea of colors. Y/n watched her feet, making sure she didn't step on his - or anyone else's - toes.

When she looked up for a second, she saw Kili's mesmerizing brown eyes gazing at her. Her face got hot as she heard a teasing buzz come from Moon. Y/n rolled her eyes at the bee and chuckled softly, before looking down again.

"Why do you look down?"

"I'm afraid of stepping on your toes," Y/n admitted. Kili moved both his hands to her waist and lifted her in the air, causing a gasp to escape her lips. She looked down at his face, which held a slight smirk.

"Wow," Y/n laughed. "Let me down, please."

"Of course, Amrâlimê. Anything for you." He lowered her to the floor and kissed her temple. She grinned and roped her arms around Kili's neck, laying her head on his chest. Kili's arms wrapped around her waist and the two swayed to the soft music, earning smirks and nods of approval from fellow dwarves or elves nearby.


A/N: Ayee!! Sorry for the long wait! Sometimes I find it harder to write things when I don't have a script to go off of, so that's why this took so long! I'm sorry for that! I hope this chapter was good!! I have a plan for the next chapter that will (hopefully) be really good! Anyways, hope you enjoyed this chapter!!
Bye, lovelies!

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