Can We Cook Him?

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After a long day of riding, Thorin stopped near a destroyed building for the night. Something was off about this place, and Y/n could feel it. It seemed to be an old farm, that somehow got destroyed. The Company dismounted their horses, Gandalf and Y/n going to the destroyed farmhouse.

"We’ll camp here for the night. Fili, Kili, look after the horses. Make sure you stay with them," Thorin demanded.

"A farmer and his family used to live here..." Gandalf muttered under his breath as Thorin continued to bark orders.

"So what happened to them?" Y/n said, looking to the wizard. He seemed to be thinking the same thing as he turned to the dwarves.

"I think it would be wiser to move on. We could make for the Hidden Valley," Gandalf suggested.

Thorin glared at Gandalf. "But I’ve told you already. I will not go near that place."

"Why not? The Elves could help us, we could get food, rest, advice."

"I do not need their advice."

"Lord Elrond could help us," Gandalf continued.

Thorin growled, "Help? A dragon attacks Erebor. What help came from the Elves? Orcs plunder Moria, desecrate our sacred halls, the Elves looked on and did nothing! You ask me to seek out the very people who betrayed my grandfather, who betrayed my father."

"You are neither of them. I did not give you that map and key for you to hold on to the past."

"I did not know they were yours to keep!" Thorin stated louder than before. Gandalf stormed off, and Y/n glared at the dwarf, hands on her hips.

"What?" he spat.

"Seriously? Just because of one little thing, you're going to keep hating on elves forever? If I hated people for one thing they did, I'd hate everyone, and I wouldn't have any friends. You might want to think of the other people here before yourself sometime, dwarf," Y/n scowled before turning and going to the opposite side of the ruined farmhouse. She sat down against one of the still standing walls, gazing over the landscape.


A few hours later, the dwarves had cooked up some food and we're sitting around the fire, laughing and talking like they always did. Y/n still sat against the wall, now looking at the stars.

"Here you are, lass," Balin said, offering her a bowl of what looked like stew. She gratefully took it and scooped a spoonful into her mouth. She nodded her thanks and continued eating as Balin went back to his seat. In no time at all, her bowl was empty and she returned it to the dwarves.

"Y/n? Do us a favor, and take this to the lads," Bofur handed two bowls to Y/n, and she went into the forest to find Kili and Fili. When she found them, they were staring at the ponies, still as stone.

"What's wrong?" Y/n asked.

"We’re supposed to be looking after the horses...." Kili began.

"Only we’ve encountered a slight problem," finished Fili.

"Oh no..."

"We had seventeen," Kili announced.

Fili sucked in a breath, "Now we have fifteen."

"Daisy and Bungle are missing," Kili told the other two.

"This is really very not good... Should we tell Thorin?"

"Uh, no. Because we are going to get them back. Go get Bilbo." Fili rushed off to get the burglar, while Y/n and Kili searched for the horses. They kneeled behind a fallen tree, watching two, stupendously ugly trolls surround a fire. A third one came up, holding two more horses under his arms.

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