A Promise

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A mist covers the lake as the man, whom Y/n found out his name was Bard, moved his barge across the water. She had sparked a deal with Bard, where he would pretend she was stranded and needed assistance, because there weren't enough barrels, for one of them broke. Bard nearly hit a rock, but he moved the barge out of the way smoothly.

Thorin glared at Bard. "What are you trying to do? Drown us?" Y/n hit him upside the head, and he turned his glare to her.

"I was born and bred on these waters, Master Dwarf. If I wanted to drown you, I would not do it here," Bard smirked.

"Oh, I’ve had enough of this lippy lake-man. I say we throw him over the side and be done with him," Dwalin grumbled. Y/n raised her hand,and he shut up.

"Oh, Bard. His name’s Bard," Bilbo said. Y/n nodded, signalling she knew that as well.

"How do you know?"

"Uh, I asked him. So did Y/n."

"I don't care what he calls himself, I don't like him." The dwarves went to counting coins, and Y/n stood, looking over the water, and soon her jaw dropped.

Through the mist stood the Lonely Mountain. It almost seemed to glow in the light, and pretty soon, the dwarves saw it too. Everyone was in awe at the majesty of the mountain, when Gloin exclaimed: "Take it. Take all of it." Bilbo cleared his throat, and everyone looked over, seeing Bard approaching them, his hand extended.

"The money, quick. Give it to me."

"We will pay you when we get our provisions, but not before."

Bard squinted his eyes at the soon to be king. "If you value your freedom, you’ll do as I say. There are guards ahead." They reluctantly handed Bard the money and climbed into the barrels. Y/n helped Kili inside, then put the cloak on that Bard gave her. It was black in color, and quite warm. Y/n was instructed to sit in the corner and not show her face, which she obeyed and stayed silent.

Bard stopped at a port, and talked to another man. Moon cuddled into Y/n's hands, for it was colder here than where Beorn lived. She rubbed her thumb over the bee's back and glanced up to see the barrels getting filled with fish. Y/n stifled a laugh as she heard a few groans from the dwarves. Bard kicked the barrels, signalling them to be silent.

"Quiet! We’re approaching the toll gate." Bard slowed the barge, and it settled right next to a dock. Bard conversed with the man and he was cleared to go, until a man with black hair, and a very thick unibrow approached.

"Not so fast," unibrow man grabbed Bard's papers and read them. "Consignment of empty barrels from the Woodland realm. Only they’re not empty. Are they Bard? If I recall correctly, you’re licensed as a bargeman. Not a fisherman."

"That’s none of your business," Bard said.

"Wrong. It’s the Master’s business, which makes it my business."

"Oh, come on, Alfrid. Have a heart, people need to eat."

Alfrid scoffed. "These fish are illegal. Empty the barrels over the side."

A few guards hopped into the barge and began to move the barrels to the side to dump them. Bard tried to reason with Alfrid, and apparently said something that changed the unibrow man's mind.

"Stop!" Alfrid demanded. The guards put back the barrels and got off the barge. "Ever the people’s champion, hey, Bard? Protector of the common folk. You might have their favor now, bargeman, but it won’t last."

"Raise the gate!" The barge began to move again, and Y/n stood and went to the front of the boat. Alfrid spat one last thing at Bard, to which he gave a snarky remark. She watched people on other boats pass and nod towards her, to which she nodded back. Bard began tipping over barrels with Y/n's help, and the dwarves emerged, smelling like fish. Y/n stuck out her tongue in disgust, but regardless, helped them stand up. One of the townspeople watched them suspiciously, to which Bard gave them a coin and whispered something.

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