Stone Giants?! What Next?!

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After receiving some new clothes from one of the elves and changing, Y/n rejoined the group, minus Gandalf, and prepared to leave. Kili kept stealing glances at the firey haired female, earning smirks from other dwarves, to which he rolled his eyes and continued packing his things. Y/n attached her quiver to her back, the bow attached to it as well. She strapped her sword to her waist and then went to Bilbo and smiled at him.

"Hi, Bilbo," she said.

"Hello, Y/n. How are you?"

"I was just about to ask you the same thing," she laughed softly. "And I'm very good to answer your question."

"Oh, well, I'm good, too. Missing home, you know. I miss my books."

Y/n smiled. "I know just how you feel, Bilbo. My home is far, far away from here. I hope to see it again someday..." Bilbo placed a hand on her shoulder comfortingly. He smiled softly.

"Of course you'll see it again. I promise." Y/n smiled at the hobbit, patting his shoulder, before proceeding to make her way over to the dwarves.

"Thorin, are you sure we should be doing this?" Y/n asked the soon to be king. He glanced up at her, a glint of concern in his eyes.

"Of course we should. We must reach the mountain before Durin's Day, and it is fast approaching. It is better for us to go now than wait for some wizard. Now are you with us or not?" he asked sternly, almost glaring at her.

"Where else would I be, Thorin? Someone has to keep you boys out of trouble!" Thorin rolled his eyes and walked towards the path. Y/n sighed loudly and followed the rest of the Company. The path was on the side of the mountain, making Y/n's anxiety spike. As much as she hated heights, she hated skinny paths even more. As the sun peeked over the horizon, it caused Y/n's hair to shine, as if it was truly made of fire. This caused Kili to notice, and he smiled to himself.

"Be on your guard, we’re about to step over the Edge of the Wild. Balin, you know these paths, lead on," Thorin said. Balin carefully passed Thorin and took lead. Bilbo stopped, looking back at the sparkling city of Rivendell, with an almost longing expression on his face.

"Master Baggins, I suggest you keep up." Bilbo turned and continued on.


After walking for a while, the Company found themselves on another mountain path, that was barely able to fit anyone on it. It was pouring, causing the dwarves to complain. Y/n didn't mind, though. She was perfectly warm and content.

"Alright, hold on!" Thorin called over the thunder. He began to slip, but was caught by some of the dwarves and steadied. "We must find shelter!" A boulder came flying towards them, hitting the mountain above them, and causing rocks to fall. Y/n screamed and moved to the side as one of the rocks fell past where she was standing.

"Hold on!"

"This is no thunderstorms! It’s a thunder-battle! Look!" Balin cried, pointing. Two stone giants crashed into each other, one of them breaking apart due to impact.

"Well bless me. The legends are true! Giants! Stone giants!" Y/n was in awe, but at the same time terrified about the stone beings as they threw more and more boulders. Many of the dwarves hollered for others to hold on, or to be careful. The path beneath their feet began to tremble as they soon discovered...

They were on one of the giants.

The giant stood up, and began fighting the other. Y/n had jumped into a solid path of rock, and called out for the ones that were placed on the giant. They screamed in fear as more and more of the giants began to break and fall apart. The thunder above clapped loudly, along with a flash of lightning. One of the giants fell, and the dwarves lept to where Y/n and the others were, panting heavily.

Balin sighed, "We’re alright! We’re alive!"

Bofur perked up, looking around, eyes wide. "Where’s Bilbo? Where’s the hobbit?" Y/n glanced everywhere, eventually seeing the hobbit clutching to the side of the mountain, fear in his dark eyes.

"Bilbo!" Y/n called, leaning down and grabbing his hand, as a few other dwarves helped as well. They successfully lifted Bilbo back onto the path.

"I thought we’d lost our burglar."

"He’s been lost ever since he left home. He should never have come. He has no place amongst us," Thorin spat. Y/n lightly hit him on the back of the head, leaving the other dwarves - and Bilbo - in shock. No one dared treat the future king that way, and yet he never called Y/n out for doing things like that.

After getting away from the stone giants, they found a cave. Granted, it was a creepy cave, but it was shelter. The dwarves piled inside, each one drenched and tired.

"Right then, let’s get a fire started," Gloin said as a few dwarves began to start one.

"No," Thorin began. "No fires. Not in this place. Get some sleep, we start at first light."

Balin spoke up. "We were to wait in the mountains until Gandalf joined us. That was the plan."

Thorin glared at the dwarf. "Plans change. Bofur, take the first watch."

Y/n leaned against the wall of the cave, away from the others while they talked. She began to think why she wasn't cold. Could it be that she just didn't notice? Possible, but not likely. Did it not affect her as much because she wasn't from this world?

"What are you thinking of, Lukhudel?" Kili asked, sitting next to her, causing her to look up. He admired her with beautiful brown eyes, and she felt a little heat fill her face.

"Nothing," she replied. "And I still don't know what that means. Care to tell me?"

"Not quite yet. I promise you'll know what it means later. But for now... Sleep... You need it," he whispered. Y/n nodded softly and drifted off to sleep as Kili's arm wrapped itself around her shoulders. Fili winked at his brother, who rolled his eyes.


A few hours later, Bilbo packed his bags with he intent of heading back to Rivendell. He talked to Bofur, who wished him the best of luck. Y/n heard this and woke up, instantly noticing the arm around her shoulder. She full on blushed before looking over at the entrance. Bilbo's sword was glowing blue. Thorin looked at the ground, and his face filled with fear.

"Wake up. Wake up!" Thorin demanded. Everyone jolted awake, just as the floor broke and caused the Company to fall through a hole in the ground. They landed on a wooden pathway, and goblins swarmed around them. Y/n glanced up to see the goblins coming and gulped.

"Oh shoot..."


A/N: AYYYEEEE!!!! I want to thank you all for reading this! It makes me soooo happy to know that this is turning out so good! I am having SO much fun writing this (I know I keep saying that, but it's true 😂) Hope this was a good chapter! Love you all! ❤️❤️
Bye, lovelies!!

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