Elves Are Actually Nice

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The company made their way towards Rivendell, most in awe, while Thorin was just plain annoyed. He clearly disliked being here, and Y/n felt he was overreacting. The buildings sparkled in the sunlight, making Y/n smile.

A few elves greeted them, and a dark haired elf descended the stairs, glancing at the dwarves before looking to Gandalf. Something about him made Y/n uneasy...

"Mithrandir," the elf said.

"Ah, Lindir." Lindir began to speak in Elvish, which Y/n didn't understand.

"I must speak with Lord Elrond," Gandalf demanded, as kindly as possible.

"My Lord Elrond is not here."

Gandalf raised an eyebrow, "Not here? Where is he?" That instant, they heard  the sound of a horn, and a group of elves on horses trotted towards the Company, surrounding them in a circle. The dwarves had out their weapons, aimed towards the elves. Each elf had on armor, so Y/n guessed they were some sort of warrior.

"Gandalf!" another dark haired elf on a horse exclaimed.

"Lord Elrond." They began to converse in Elvish once again before Lord Elrond slid off his horse to embrace the wizard.

"Strange for orcs to come so close to our borders. Something or someone has drawn them near..."

"Ah, that may have been us." Thorin stepped forward, and Lord Elrond eyed him.

"Welcome Thorin, son of Thrain."

"I do not believe we have met," Thorin said.

"You have your Grandfather’s bearing. I knew Thror when he ruled under the mountain..."

Thorin smirked, "Indeed? He made no mention of you." Y/n glared at the back of Thorin's head, catching the eye of Lord Elrond. He raised an eyebrow, seeing her, and said something in Elvish.

"What is he saying?" Gloin asked. "Does he offer us insult?"

"No, Master Dwarf... He offers you-!"

"Food, I think...?" Y/n said, though it was more of a question. Gandalf nodded at her, signalling that she was correct. The dwarves circled up, discussing quickly, before turning back to the wizard.

"Ah, Well. In that case, lead on." Gandalf smiled and led the Company up the steps into the beautiful, sparkling building. Y/n gasped softly at the amazing architecture, not noticing a pair of chocolate eyes on her. Kili smiled softly, looking down before glancing up at the e/c eyed girl, with something unrecognizable in his eyes. Fili glanced back at Balin, who smiled knowingly. Fili stepped forward, placing an arm around his brother's shoulder.

"What you looking at, Kili?" Kili jumped slightly, turning his head to face the blonde dwarf, almost shocked.

"What do you mean?" Kili nervously chuckled.

"You're staring at something... Or perhaps someone?" Fili smirked as Kili froze, a red tint filling his cheeks. The dwarves laughed at Kili, causing Y/n to look over her shoulder. Kili couldn't help but get lost in her eyes before she turned and proceeded to walk upstairs. Kili tilted his head down as they continued through the building.

Lord Elrond gestured to a long table, at which the dwarves, Bilbo, and Y/n sat. The table was filled with all sorts of fruits and vegetables, which the dwarves complained about. Elrond talked to Gandalf and Thorin of their swords, and Y/n glanced down at her own, wondering if it had a cool name like others did. Y/n watched as Kili glanced at an elf, sending her a wink and a cheeky smile. Dwalin glared at the young dwarf as he did so.

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