Elves... Great...

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After a while of walking through the forest, it started to affect some of the dwarves, from dizziness to headaches to forgetfulness. Yet, it didn't seem to affect Y/n. She actually seemed more aware of her surroundings than ever.

"Nori, why have you stopped?" Thorin asked.

"The path, it’s disappeared!" Nori replied.

"Great job. Really. The one thing Gandalf told us not to do, and it happens to you. Now what are we going to do?" Y/n snapped. She had a hunch to take a different path a while back, but no one listened, so now they were suffering. The dwarves began bickering and yelling at one another, causing Y/n's ears to hurt. She glanced over at Bilbo, who noticed a spiderweb clung to some of the trees. He reached over and touched the web, causing a vibration to follow the trail of webs.

"Why'd it have to be spiders...?" Y/n whispered, shivering. Sure, she wasn't afraid of much, but spiders were one of her biggest fears. With their thin, hairy legs that moved at the speed of light as they scuttled across the floor. Their dead eyes as they watched you, waiting for the perfect opportunity to scare the living daylights out of you... Everything about the arachnids scared her out of her wits. The dwarves began to move again, so Y/n followed, glancing back at the webs once more, silently praying they didn't encounter any...

"Look, a tobacco pouch. There’s Dwarves in these woods," Dori gasped. Bofur took the pouch, inspecting it closely.

"Dwarves from the Blue Mountains, no less. This is exactly the same as mine."

"That's because it is yours, dimwit! Don't you understand? We're lost! We keep going around in circles! We have to find the path," Y/n told them. They all seemed to nod in agreement.

"We are not lost. We keep heading east," stated Thorin.

"But which way is the east? We’ve lost the sun!" The dwarves continued arguing as both Y/n and Bilbo looked up through the leaves, both getting the same idea. They looked at each other, nodding to each other. Y/n grabbed the branch of a tree and pulled herself up, Bilbo following suit. Together, they climbed up into the canopy and reached the top. Y/n pushed herself through the leaves and gasped in awe at the sight. A lake stood in the distance, the sun glistening off the water's surface. Several butterflies flew around their heads, causing the bee on Y/n's shoulder to join them. It buzzed happily and flew around her head.

"I can…see a lake! And a…river. And the Lonely Mountain!" Bilbo exclaimed, looking down to alert the dwarves. "We’re almost there! Can you hear me? I know which way to go!" He heard no response, and the two started to get worried. He looked to the fiery haired girl, who shrugged. Bilbo looked down and gulped.

"Spiderwebs..." he mumbled. Y/n froze. Where there's spiderwebs, there's spiders. Y/n goes to move, but slips and falls, and the next thing she sees is black...


Y/n opened her eyes, and was met with white. Why was everything white... And sticky?! Realization hit and she made her whole body heat up, causing her casing to burn, setting her free. She fell to the ground and looked up, seeing thirteen webbed up dwarves. Bilbo was fighting a spider, causing Y/n to cringe. All of a sudden, Bilbo disappeared!

The spiders began to go towards the dwarves, when a sound was heard. The spiders froze, then a few of them left to see what was happening, while one stayed behind to eat the dwarf it had in its clutches. The spider then stumbled back, as if hit by something. And again. Bilbo?

The spider suddenly writhed in pain and fell to the ground, right next to Y/n, who squealed in fear. The dwarves began to fall to the ground, as if released by something invisible.

"Where’s Bilbo?" Bofur asked.

"Up here!" Bilbo's voice replied.

A spider lunged at Bilbo, causing him to fall. More and more spiders came at the dwarves and they fought. Y/n shot fireballs at the spiders, who backed away from her, almost as if they were afraid of her power. One of the fireballs hit a spider directly in the face, and it screeched in pain. Kili got trapped by a spider, and Y/n noticed. She lept into the air, flying over to the spider and shooting it with fire, then sliced it's back with her sword, and it collapsed, dead.

"Thanks, Lukhudel!" Kili exclaimed.

"No problem, Kili! Let's go, love!" she called as they followed the dwarves, only to be stopped by a spider in front of them. The spider screeched as it was hit by an arrow. A blonde elf appeared, bow drawn and aimed at the Company. Several other elves appeared out of the trees, copying the first elf, bows drawn.

"Do not think I won’t kill you, Dwarf. It would be my pleasure," the blonde elf smirked. Y/n readied a fireball in her hand, ready to send it at the blonde elf, when she heard something that was more important.

"Kili!" Fili screamed. Y/n spun around, shooting the fireball at the spider going to attack him, and the spider fell to the ground. A redheaded elf ran in, shooting another spider. Kili looked at her as he saw more arachnids scuttled closer to him.

"Throw me a dagger! Quick!"

The redheaded elf glared at him, firing another arrow. "If you think I’m giving you a weapon, Dwarf, you are mistaken!" She threw a dagger at the spider about to attack the dark haired dwarf, and the spider died. Y/n made a move to go to Kili, but was stopped by the blonde elf.

"Search them!" he demanded. He went to Gloin and basically insulted his wife and son. The blonde elf went to Thorin, looking at his sword. To her surprise, no elf came to search her for weapons. Maybe they were afraid of her powers...?

"Where did you get this?"

"It was given to me."

The blonde elf chuckled softly. "Not just a thief, but a liar as well." He directed the elves to take the dwarves away. The dwarves were nervous, but Y/n had a blank stare on her face. She really didn't care about this. At least they might be able to help get the dwarves where they needed to go. Y/n opened the palm of her hand, watching a flower made of flames form in her palm. A buzzing alerted her, and she looked up to see her bee flying back to her and landing on her shoulder once again and nuzzling into her neck. She laughed softly, but when she saw the blonde elf's glare, she shut up, going back to her stone hard look.

The elves took the dwarves, besides Thorin and Bilbo - because they didn't know where Bilbo was - to the dungeons. Y/n was pushed into a cell beside Balin, as the door locked behind her. And still, no one took her weapons. They took all of Fili's, and he had a lot. The redheaded elf took Kili to his cell, and he looked at her.

"Aren’t you going to search me? I could have anything down my trousers?" he asked. Y/n rolled her eyes and sat against the wall, being careful of the bow on her back.

"Or nothing," the female responded.

"Well this is great..." Y/n mumbled.


A/N: So. The elves are here... 😬 And they are possibly afraid of you, because they didn't take your weapons... So. Tauriel is here... Oof drama... Anyways, I was thinking of naming the bee Star or Moon... Thoughts? Lemme know...
Bye, lovelies!!

The Girl With Fire For Hairحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن