King Chin Head And His Gang

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Goblins scuttled towards the group, each one reeking of something foul. The goblins herded the dwarves down the wooden walkway. Y/n sighed loudly, crossing her arms over her chest in annoyance. When the goblins stopped, Y/n looked up to see a huge goblin, with a humongous chin that hung like a bag of water in front of his chest. He had a makeshift crown on his head that seemed to be made of bones...? Y/n didn't know. All she did know was that he was UGLY!

"Who would be so bold as to come armed into my kingdom? Spies? Thieves? Assassins?" the Goblin King asked, shifting slightly in his seat.

"Dwarves, your Malevolence."


"We found them on the front porch."

Y/n groaned, leaning more on her left foot than before. She looked down at her shoes, really wanting to get out of there. It smelled really bad, and made Y/n want to throw up.

"This one," the Goblin King started, pointing to Y/n. "I want her. Tie her up!" Two goblins grabbed her upper arm and attached her to a pole right next to the Goblin King's throne. She messed around with her bindings as she groaned again. "I'll deal with you later, my queen." He turned to the dwarves. "Search them! Every crack, every crevice!"

"Y/n!" Kili called, attempting to get away from the goblins searching him. Y/n gave him a look that said 'I'll be okay' and he seemed to realize what she was trying to tell him, but it didn't stop his worry.

"What are you doing in these parts? Speak!" The dwarves were silent, a pile of their weapons in front of them.

"Very well, if they will not talk, we’ll make them squawk! Bring up the mangler, bring up the bone breaker! Start with the youngest." The goblins started to move around, when Thorin's voice stopped them.


"Well, well, well! Look who it is! Thorin, son of Thrain, son of Thror, king under the mountain," he fake bows, then looks back up at Thorin. "Oh! But I’m forgetting you don’t have mountain, and you’re not a king. Which makes you nobody really. I know someone who would pay a pretty price for your head. Just the head, nothing attached. Perhaps you know of whom I speak, an old enemy of yours. A pale orc astride a white warg."

Thorin's eyes went wide for a second, then returned to a glare as he took another step closer. "Azog the Defiler was destroyed. He was slain in battle long ago."

"So you think his defiling days are done, do you?" the Goblin King turned to a smaller goblin. "Send word to the pale orc, tell him I have found his prize." Some sort of torture device being brought to where the dwarves are being held and the Goblin King sings. Horribly.

"Bones will be shattered,

necks will be wrung,

and you’ll be beaten and battered,

from racks you’ll be hung.

You will die down here and never be found,

down in the deep of Goblin town!"

One of the goblins screeched as he unsheathed Thorin's sword, causing the others to back away, even the King.

"I know that sword! It is the Goblin-cleaver! The Biter! The blade that sliced a thousand necks!" he pointed a sausage like finger at the dwarves and cried. "Slash them, beat them, peel them, kill them all!" Y/n pulled against her restraints and they almost... Disintegrated? Regardless, she stomped towards the dwarves and faced the Goblin King.

"You will NOT harm one hair on their head! If you do,you'll have to answer to me, got it?"

The Goblin King seemed to gulp as he nodded vigorously. "Y-yes, milady. Just, just don't burn me, please!" He cowered more into his throne,leaving Y/n confused as a bright light flashed to the left of them. Each of them turned their heads, seeing Gandalf.

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