Come Out, Come Out, Wherever You Are

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"Y/n," Smaug's voice sounded in her head. Y/n sighed, letting her hand fall by her side. She groaned, stomping back into the mountain, leaving the dwarves in shock as they entered behind her, keeping a safe distance back. Thorin went ahead, soon finding the burglar he sent in earlier. Y/n watched the two interact and she smirked, sitting at the base of Smaug's neck as he made his way towards the two.

"You will burn!" Smaug yelled. The dwarves began to run off. Smaug let out a burst of fire that caught Thorin's jacket as he rounded a corner. Y/n glared in the direction they went and slid to the ground, walking silently towards their hiding spot. Her slit eyes glowed in the dark. Smaug moved swiftly, almost gracefully over the dwarves, with stray coins falling to the ground around them. The dwarves held their breath as Y/n drew closer as well...


In Bard's house, Kili lay on the table, a bag of walnuts under his head. His breaths were slow, and his eyelids droopy. Sweat dropped down his forehead as he calmed down.

"Tauriel..." he whispered. The redheaded elf looked at his face, as if saying for him to continue. He sucked in a breath and proceeded to speak. "You cannot be her. She is far away. She… she is far, far away from me. She walks through fire in the stars above. She makes the world that little bit brighter. Do you think she could've loved me?" Kili blinked slowly, remembering the promise he made to the fiery haired girl. Moon buzzed closer to him and placed himself on Kili's chest. Tauriel smiled softly down at the bee before back to Kili's eyes.

"Yes. I do believe she could. Now rest, Kili. You need it." Tauriel left Kili alone, and he gently stoked his fingers down Moon's fuzzy body, thinking of Y/n and her quest to persuade the dragon. He silently hoped everything was okay as he drifted off into sleep.


Y/n groaned as she lost track of the dwarves. Again. They went one way, and she followed, but then she lost them. Where the heck did they go?? She found Smaug once again, shrugging, but that's when she saw Bilbo and Balin on one path, walking in one direction, while Thorin's voice called from another direction.

"Flee! Flee! Run for your lives! There is nowhere to hide!" Smaug growled, following Thorin, but then switched his path the follow Ori, Dori, and Bombur.

"They're splitting up!" Y/n called. Smaug seemed to understand as he sends out another burst of fire towards some of the dwarves. Y/n went after Thorin. They made their way to the forge and hid behind pillars as Smaug breathed fire at the pillars, earning no avail to hurting any of the dwarves.

"Thorin!" Y/n yelled, walking towards him as Smaug pushed against the gate that kept him from reaching the dwarves. Thorin turned towards her, his eyebrow raised in anticipation.

"Yes, milady?"

"You deserve to die!" She yelled, shooting fire at him. He ducked out of the way, and her fire hit just below the furnace. As Y/n went after him again, Smaug's fire also hit the furnaces, which caused them to start burning. A few dwarves cheered at this, meaning this was their plan all along.

Smaug pushed his way through the gate and finally reached the inside of the forge. Y/n made her way to Bilbo, who was up some stairs and near a lever. When she reached him, he turned and gulped, eyeing the fireball in her hand.

"What, Bilbo? You afraid of a little fire?" Y/n smirked.

"No," Bilbo answered. "I'm afraid of what you've become. This isn't you, Y/n. It's not. And I'm sorry, but that dragon has you under some kind of spell or something. You have to break it. Break the spell and come back to us. We need you." Bilbo took a breath. "Kili needs you." She glared at the hobbit and was about to hit him with fire, but Thorin yelled to Bilbo.

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