Celebration of Goodbyes

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Celebration came to Erebor with dwarves, elves, and humans alike coming to the Lonely Mountain. Y/n was on a walk outside with Smaug, looking up at the stars above.

"I'm going to have to back soon. You know that, right?" Y/n asked as they walked.

"Yes, I have been thinking that for a while. But will you? Would you willingly leave the dwarves? Would you willingly leave Kili?"

"I... I don't know. I at least want to go back and see my parents. They're probably worried sick about me..." Y/n sighed. "But I want to stay. I don't know..."

"How about you think for a while and go celebrate for now. You deserve it."

"You're right. Thank you, Smaug." Smaug nodded, and they both went back to the mountain where the dwarves - with the help of the elves and humans - had cleared an area for the celebration. There was music and people facing everywhere you looked. It made Y/n joyous to see so many people happy and celebrating. Fili came up to her, grinning madly.

"What's got you down? You look sad, milady."

"Please don't tell anyone about this, okay? Especially your brother. It would break his heart..."

Fili shook his head, "Not a word to anyone, especially Kili. Got it."

Y/n took a deep breath and continued. "I want to go home. Just to see my parents, and let them know I'm okay and whatnot, and to see my friends. I just want to see my house again, and to see my friend, Dawn and her grandkids, Carter and Hailey. I want to go rub it in this girl named Katie's face that I actually found friends that don't care about anything I have, but that care about me. I just want to go home. Don't get me wrong, I love it here, but... I don't know..."

Fili nodded in understanding. "So you don't want me to tell Kili, because you don't think you'll come back..."

"Exactly. So please keep this between you, me, and Smaug. Got it, Fili?"

"Of course." Fili began to walk off, but stopped and faced the fiery haired girl again. "Oh, and Y/n?"


"Thank you. If you hadn't told me to go with my brother on Ravenhill, it could have been me in Azog's grasp."

"No problem. I do things like that for my friends," she smiled. Fili bowed playfully to her, making her laugh, and he went to some other dwarves. Y/n leaned against a pillar and watched the celebration. Laughs echoed off the walls, and smiles made it seem all the bit brighter. Legolas and Tauriel waved to Y/n, and she waved back.

"You know," a voice began, and she instantly recognized it as Kili. "A pretty girl like you should be dancing with a dashing dwarf prince, and not standing on the sidelines.

"But, what if I like this pillar? What if he feels lonely because he has no friends?" Y/n replied, holding in laughter.

"Well, the pillar can be without a friend for one dance, can't he?" Y/n turned to look at Kili,before hugging the pillar, fully laughing at this point, because her arms didn't even reach halfway around.

Kili grinned at her actions and hugged the pillar as well. "There, now he has two friends." Y/n laughed louder and had to clutch her aching stomach to calm herself. Kili pulled her close and hugged her from behind. She eventually calmed down and sighed at the feeling of Kili's arms around her. It was comforting, and she decided to enjoy it while it lasted.


The next morning, the elves and humans left, promising to come back regularly to the Lonely Mountain. Y/n felt the need to break the news to the dwarves about her wanting to leave,but she wanted to talk to Gandalf beforehand. She soon found the wizard and tapped his shoulder.

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