End Of The Desolation?

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Smaug finally reached the town, instantly sending flames to the buildings below. Y/n slid off his back and ran across rooftops, sending fireballs towards boats and houses. Something about the destruction gave her an almost calming sensation. She glanced around and saw the Master and Alfrid in a boat... Full of gold. Smirking, she raced across the buildings, following the path he took.

Smaug continued to send fire cascading to the town, and even attacked the buildings with his claws. People screamed in horror and attempted to escape, and Y/n saw this, so she sent fireballs towards where people were leaving, trapping them inside the town. As she continued after the Master, she had the intent to kill him for good. She watched as another boat approached the same corner his boat did. The smaller boat, full of people, hit the side of the Master's, sending some coins falling into the water.

"Watch it!" he yelled. Y/n lept off the building onto his boat, glaring at him. He screamed in fear as she felt her hands heat up, and then she sent a punch to the side of his face, instantly causing a blister to form on his cheek.

"Who are you to attack me?!" Y/n grabbed the front of his shirt and pulled him closer, preparing to punch him again, her breathing heavy.

"Y/n?" a voice asked. She spun her head around and saw in the other boat, a familiar dwarf archer staring at her with confused chocolate brown eyes. She snarled at the Master before flying off to join Smaug.

Kili sat back down in the boat, dazed and confused. What was Y/n doing? Why were her eyes like that? Above all, she didn't seem to recognize him. At all. She looked at him as if he wasn't actually there. He shook his head, hoping to clear it, but nothing worked.

Atop the tower, where the weapon was - which Smaug destroyed - Bard watched the dragon approach. Y/n found herself on top of a building, looking as Smaug approach the tower

"Who are you that would stand against me?" Smaug asked. He reached for his bow, only to find it broken.

Smaug let out a low chuckle. "Now that is a pity. What will you do now, bowman? You are forsaken. No help will come. Hmm. Is that your child? You cannot save him from the fire. He will burn!" Y/n went to fly to Smaug, when she felt something in the pouch at her side. She reached inside the pouch and pulled out the object, holding it in her palm.

She ran her fingers across the tune stone Kili had given her. Y/n's eyes flickered back to e/c as she thought of every single memory she shared with the dwarf prince. When they danced in Bilbo's house. Every time Kili held her in his arms. Every smile, every glance, every moment. As she felt tears fall from her tear ducts, she looked up and saw Bard pulling back the string of his bow.

Bard shot an arrow at the dragon, right past his son's ear. The arrow wizzed through the air and hit it's mark. Y/n watched in horror from her position on top of the building. Smaug roared and attempted to fly away from the firelit town, up into the sky. His roar echoed through the still night as everyone paused in anticipation for the dragon's death. A tear spilled out of Y/n's eyes as she just barely saw the dragon's face. His fiery eyes dimmed, leaving an empty shell of what he used to be. As his body began to fall, Y/n reached out.

"SMAUG!!" she screamed. A fireball shot out of her hand and hit the dragon's body, almost sending a jolt through his system. Smaug fell on top of a building, and partially in the water. Y/n climbed down from the building and raced across boats and through burned over boardwalks to the dead body of the dragon. She climbed over rubble and found his head, his eyes closed.

"Smaug, no... Please, don't be... Don't be dead. Please. I know this is strange, but you're my friend. I know you're not that bad, so please. Show me a sign that you're not dead," Y/n pleaded, tears spilling down her ashen face. As she peered down at her old friend, she saw his eye open slightly, only instead of the firey color, it was the color of gold.

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