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A/N: Because I am the author, I am making the Hobbit's roughly 5 feet tall, while dwarves can be anywhere from 5 feet 4 inches or taller. I kind of have a fear of short people, which is why I mostly dislike tiny children. My younger cousin's don't bother me, but other small children do... I don't know why, but I have a fear of tiny people, so yeah. Hobbits are around 5 feet, and Dwarves can be anywhere from 5 feet 4 inches and taller. Okay, let's continue. Also, I do this because I can.


Y/n's e/c eyes fluttered open to see that it was dark. She was indeed on a grassy place, though where she was she didn't know. As she sat up, she saw a man dressed in gray robes, a pointy hat, with a wizard's staff coming towards her.

"My dear, are you alright?"

"I think so...? Just a minute ago, I was in my house, and now I'm here. And where is here exactly?"

"This is the Shire. Middle Earth. And where are you from, milady?"

"Y/H/T," Y/n replied.

"I've never heard of it... I think you may be in shock. If you walk up this hill, you will reach a Hobbit named Bilbo's house. Bilbo Baggins. I would take you there myself, but I'm due for an errand just about now."

Y/n sighed, standing to her feet. "Thank you, Gandalf."

"How is it you know my name?"

"I must've... Heard it somewhere. Goodbye and thank you again."

"No problem, my lady. I think we shall see each other very soon..." He nodded his head, then continued on his way, leaving Y/n to ponder the events that just occurred. Middle Earth? How'd she get here? With a shaky breath, she made her way up the hill where Gandalf told her to go. Sure thing, there was Bilbo's house. She recognized it from the movie.

Y/n cautiously made her way to the door and knocked. Not a second later, a man a few inches shorter than her answered the emerald door. He had curly, dirty blonde hair, and a kind face, when not angered or annoyed by anything.

"Bilbo Baggins?" Y/n asked shyly.

"Yes. Who are you? And is something wrong with your hair?"

Y/n cleared her throat. "My, my name's Y/n, and nothing is wrong with my hair. It's always been like that. Um... Gandalf found me in the grass, and told me to come here." Bilbo looked at her, surprised, but stepped aside, letting her in. She hugged herself in either nervousness or fear, she didn't know.

"Well, can I get you anything?" Bilbo made his way through the tunnels, Y/n following close behind.

"Can I just get a water, please?" Bilbo nodded and reached the kitchen, getting down a cup and filling it with the liquid before handing it to Y/n. She gratefully took it and swallowed the substance.

She sighed gratefully, handing the cup back to him. "Thank you."


Bilbo sat at his table, squeezing lemon onto his fish. Y/n didn't particularly care for fish, so she just ate some bread that Bilbo had given her. As Bilbo goes to begin eating, a knock sounds on the door. Bilbo raised an eyebrow as the both of them made their way to the entrance.

In the open doorway stood a dwarf, who only had hair on the bottom half of his head, that almost blended in with his beard. On the bald part of his hair were tattoos, that Y/n didn't recognize.

"Dwalin," he said bowing. "At your service." Once he came back up, he seemed shocked to see Y/n standing there.

"Hm. Uh…Bilbo…Baggins…at yours. Oh, and this is Y/n."

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