The Girl

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A/N: The picture above is what your hair color is. It can be whatever length, but it's the same color as that. And the coloring may or may not have anything to do with the future... 👀 I might actually color my hair that way... Idk... Anyways, on with the story!


Y/n L/n was the perfect example of... Well, perfect. Everyone was jealous, because for some reason, she always had perfect skin, perfect hair, the perfect personality. They were jealous that her parents let her do anything she wanted, she always had perfect grades, always got first place in track meets, and her family was rich.

Everyone. Wanted. To. Be. Her. Friend.

And yet, she was all alone in the world. She longed for someone who would just appreciate her because she existed. She wished for someone to see past all the perfect things and see her for who she was and love her for who she was on the inside.

And yet, no one saw past her mask to see who she really was. It hurt that people only cared for the perfect things in life...

The most jealous of all was Katie. Katie saw Y/n as an obstacle, and constantly tried bringing her down, while trying to be her best friend. Katie was basically a Barbie doll, and always looked like she was wearing 20 layers of makeup. Y/n was almost 1000% sure her parents let her get plastic surgery... You know where.

But Y/n didn't let that get to her. She loved herself, even though everyone was jealous of her. What really annoyed her was that walking from class to class, she always had a posse of the male population right behind her. They never left her alone, and she hated it.

The one time she did get to be alone? When she was running. And that's what she did almost every day. She ran when the sun wasn't quite down yet, giving the sky an ombre from orange to blue. When the heat wasn't too bad, but it wasn't too cold. When everyone was heading home for the night, and the birds sang their good night songs. When, for at least a little while, the world was at peace. The music that filled her earbuds was the only thing she heard, besides the thump of her heartbeat and the occasional sharp intakes of breath.

It was about 7:30 PM, and Y/n was just getting ready for her run. She had on some black running shorts, a f/c shirt, and some good quality running shoes. With her earbuds in, she closed the door behind her and started jogging down the long driveway. Once on the sidewalk, she took a right, which was different from her usual path, which went left. A few dim stars dotted the sky as she breathed in the crisp evening air. There was something different about the air just before dark that made her feel calm.

"Hi, Y/n!" her seven year old neighbor, Hailey, exclaimed, waving enthusiastically at the fire haired girl. Y/n smiled and went over to the little girl. Hailey was an amber eyed, chocolate haired girl with light freckles dusting her cheeks and nose. Y/n removed her earbuds and knelt down in front of the little girl to better see her face.

"Hiya, Hailey. How's it going?"

"I'm good," she said, then gasped. "Guess what?!"

Y/n gasped playfully, making the little girl giggle, "What?"

"We're getting a puppy!" Hailey exclaimed, her soft curls bouncing as she hopped on her feet. Y/n laughed at the chocolate haired girl and gave her a hug.

"I'm so happy for you! What will you name it?"

"I don't know... Maybe Stormageddon Dark Lord Of All!" Hailey's smile widened tremendously as she recalled the show she got the name from. Yes, her family watched Doctor Who. And they loved it. Y/n had tried to watch it, but then they took the show off of Netflix, and she had no idea where to watch it.

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