Radagast's Warning

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As they packed up camp, Thorin asked Gandalf where he went, and why the trolls were that far south. They both concludes that there was a cave nearby that they used for shelter during the day. So they searched for the cave, soon finding it. Instantly, the stench was overwhelming, causing Y/n and some of the other dwarves to gag.

"Oh, what's that stench?!" Bofur exclaimed, covering his nose with the back of his hand.

"It's a troll hoard. Be careful what you touch," Gandalf warned. A few dwarves coughed as they descended into the cave, seeing treasure from every culture, race, and people.

"Seems a shame just to leave it lying around. Anyone could take it," Bofur said.

"Agreed. Nori, get a shovel." Y/n searched through the treasure in awe, running her fingers over gold coins and chests. She soon found a barrel of swords and looked through them. Some were broken, or dull, but there had to be a sword that wasn't broken or dull. When she saw a handle of black, with gold detailing, it instantly caught her eye. She pulled the sword out of the barrel, and held it in her hands. Holding the sheath by her side, she pulled out the sword and held it above her head.

 Holding the sheath by her side, she pulled out the sword and held it above her head

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"It's beautiful," a voice said. Y/n turned, seeing Kili gazing at her. She felt a blush creep into her face as she placed the sword back in its sheath.

"T-thanks," she replied. She wrapped the leather band around her waist with the sword attached. She began to walk out of the cave, when she saw a few dwarves burying a chest. Gloin looked up at her and smiled.

"We're making a long-term deposit." Y/n laughed at them and fully exited into the fresh air, taking a deep breath. One by one, the dwarves left the cave and gathered a little ways away, so they couldn't smell it.

"Something's coming!" Thorin yelled.

"Stay together! Hurry, now! Arm yourselves!" Gandalf informed them. Y/n unsheathed the sword once again, holding the handle in both her hands as they prepared for what was coming. Out of the bushes burst a sled lead by huge rabbits! A man stood on the sled, who looked terrified.

"Thieves! Fire! Murder!" the man cried.

"Radagast. It's Radagast the Brown!" Gandalf smiled. He put his sword away and approached the other wizard. "What on earth are you doing here?" Y/n copied Gandalf's actions, placing her sword back at her side and crossing her arms over her chest.

"I was looking for you, Gandalf. Something's wrong. Something's terribly wrong...."

"Yes?" Gandalf asks.

Radagast goes to speak, but pauses. "Just give me a minute. Um...Oh! I had a thought and now I've lost it. It was...it was was right there, on the tip of my tongue! Oh! It's not a thought at all! It's a silly old... stick insect." Radagast stuck out his tongue, and Gandalf removed the insect, handing it back to Radagast.

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