Return of the Princes

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Kili, Fili, Bofur, and Oin made it back to the mountain, each one exhausted and eager to be home. That was a fun word. Home. Kili felt a wave of relief fall over him as he entered the walls of Erebor.

"Hello! Bombur? Bifur? Anybody?" Bofur called. They searched around, and found Bilbo. They all grin and head towards him.

"It's Bilbo! He's alive!"

"Stop! Stop! Stop! You need to leave. We all need to leave," Bilbo demanded.

"We only just got here," Bofur said with defeat in his voice.

"I tried talking to him, but he won’t listen."

Oin took a step forward. "Wh…what do you mean, laddie?"

Taking a deep breath, Bilbo replied. "Thorin! Thorin. Thorin, he’s been down there for days. He doesn’t sleep, he barely eats. He’s not been himself, not at all. It’s this… it’s this place. I think a sickness lies upon it. And... The dragon's here." Moon shot himself into the air off Kili's shoulder and buzzed in midair.

"A sickness? What kind of sickness? And what do you mean the dragon's here?" Fili stared at the reflected gold on one of the walls and pushed past the hobbit and followed the passage.

"Fili! No!" Bilbo called as he and the three other dwarves followed him. They stood on a path and gazed out over the gold in awe. Kili looked all around the room in hopes of seeing the fiery haired girl anywhere. He really couldn't care about treasure when she wasn't with him. Y/n was the only treasure he needed.

"Behold, the great treasure hoard of Thror." Thorin threw a gem over to Fili, with an unnerving grin on his face. Kili noticed that Thorin was acting different, and it slightly angered him. Thorin continued, "Welcome, my sister’s sons, to the Kingdom of Erebor." Kili, Fili, Oin, and Bofur greeted the other dwarves, embracing them each. Kili was still wondering were Y/n was, but his thoughts were answered when he heard a familiar voice.

"Aww! They came back, and you didn't think to come get me?" Y/n crossed her arms over her chest and pouted, only to have Fili leap up to her and give her a big bear hug. When he pulled away, Y/n sent a fire lion around his head, to which he smiled.

"We missed you, milady," Fili grinned, playfully bowing. Y/n laughed at this and Fili stood up, pointing behind her. She turned and saw Kili waiting patiently to talk to her. When he locked eyes with her, he got the biggest smile on his face and his previous nervous stature disappeared. Y/n grinned as well and ran into his arms. He wrapped his arms around her waist as she laughed into his shoulder. The dwarves had moved away slightly, to give the two some privacy. Y/n pulled away, with her hands on Kili's shoulders, and happy tears in her eyes. Moon buzzed her head, causing her to giggle before the bee landed on her shoulder.

"You're healed! You're better!" Y/n exclaimed.

"Yeah, I am. If it wasn't for you sealing the wound, I probably would have bled out. Tauriel healed me with elf magic or whatever, and something happened..." Kili looked at the ground.

"Kili. What happened?" Y/n asked, placing a hand on the side of his face. He leaned into her warm touch and looked into her e/c eyes.

"I couldn't stop it, it just happened."

Y/n was getting worried. "What?" she inquired quietly.

"Ever since you sealed my wound, I haven't been able to get you off my mind. Everything I think of is you. Probably time I told you this, but when you sealed the wound, I saw only you, surrounded by white light."

"And what does that mean?"

"Amrâlimê..." Kili smiled at her, pushing some hair behind her ear as she froze. He'd never called her that... "It means you're my one." Kili chuckled softly as Moon buzzed happily, as if he already knew what they were just figuring out.

"I don't know what that means... Or what Lukhudel means," Y/n smiled. Kili nodded and shook his head with a grin on his face.

"Lukhudel means light of all lights, and Amrâlimê means..." He paused. "My love." Y/n felt an insane swell of happiness fill her chest as she hugged him closer than before. She giggled and felt her face heat up as Kili spun her around.

"I take it you're happy?"

"Happy doesn't even begin to describe how I feel right now. I'm extatic, excited, every positive feeling that you can possibly think of! This is amazing! I just have one more question..."

"Ask away, Amrâlimê."

"What does it mean if I'm your 'one'?" Y/n glanced up shyly at the dark haired archer as he chuckled softly.

"It means that we were meant to be together. You were destined to join the company, and you were destined to seal my wound. You were destined to be my one," Kili smiled, leaning his forehead against hers. Y/n sighed happily as he ran his fingers through her hair.

"Now, tell me... What was Bilbo saying about this dragon?" Y/n gasped and grabbed Kili's hand.

"Come on! I'll show you!" Y/n exclaimed, pulling him away from the treasure room and deeper into the mountain. When she entered another part of the mountain, Kili saw the dragon sleeping in the corner.

"Smaug!" Y/n began. "Smaug, I want you to meet someone!" Moon buzzed towards Smaug, and landed on his head as Smaug awoke. He looked towards Y/n, and nodded slightly.

"Yes, Y/n?" Smaug asked softly.

"Smaug, that's Moon, first of all," Y/n said, gesturing to the bee on his head, who buzzed happily, then gestured to the dwarf beside her. "And this is Kili." Smaug eyed the dark haired archer and nodded towards him.

"Pleasure to meet you, Master Kili. Y/n has spoke very highly of you. In fact, she went on an extremely long rant about you last night." Y/n blushed in embarrassment and looked to the ground. Kili chuckled and lifted her chin with his free hand.

"Is that true?" Kili questioned playfully. Y/n nodded shyly and Kili moved his arm from her hand to place around her shoulders, pulling her into his chest, to which she happily obliged.

Moon moved from Smaug's head to his nose, causing Smaug to go slightly cross eyed, earning laughs from both Kili and Y/n. Smaug lay his head down and closed his eyes, as Moon fell asleep on his snout. Y/n smiled and looked up at Kili.

"Uh, sorry to interrupt, but Thorin is requesting everyone to help him search for the Arkenstone," Balin said. Y/n looked towards Balin and nodded, grabbed Kili's hand, following Balin back to the treasure room to help aid the search for the precious stone.


A/N: These past few chapters have been a bit short, but that's okay. I wanted this one to be full of cute Kili moments, and I think I there's plenty of them in this chapter. 🥰🥰🥰 Also, I think Smaug made a new friend 😂 Last night, I came up with these cute moments, but I also came up with an idea that literally made me CRY 😭 Here's a thing: The storyline for the first two movies was basically all planned out. This one? I have not planned any of it. I'm afraid of what my mind's gonna come up with..... 😬😬 Besides that fact, I hope you're enjoying this story!! I am having so much fun writing it, and I hope it is as fun for you to read 😂
Bye, lovelies!! 🥰❤️

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