One Last Time?

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Y/n glanced over the horizon to see an army of dwarves stop at the top of the hill. The dwarves of Erebor cheered for the dwarf army, calling out the name Dain. Y/n covered her ears,and Moon seemed to mimic her.

"Good morning! How are we all? I have a wee proposition, if you wouldn’t mind giving me a few moments of your time. Would you consider… Just sodding off?!" Dain shouted. The elf army flinched, pulling back in fear. "All of you! Right now!" Gandalf stepped forward and began to talk with Dain. Y/n stepped away from the cheering dwarves into the mountain, soon finding Smaug curled up in a back corner, sleeping. Moon happily buzzed over to the dragon, landing on his nose.

"Ah, hello tiny bee," Smaug said. "Hello, Y/n." Y/n beckoned Smaug to come.

"I need your help. It's Thorin's cousin, Dain. And the elves. And I don't know what to do. I just need you to be prepared in case war is to come upon Erebor," Y/n said. Smaug stood up, making sure Moon didn't slip off his nose and tilted his head down to meet Y/n's height.

"I would follow you to the ends of Middle Earth. I'm indebted to you. I will be ready to help in any way I can." Y/n nodded and placed her hand on Smaug's neck.

"Thank you." Y/n walked back towards the entrance, only to find the dwarves coming down that stairs.

"What's happening?"

"Thorin told us to stand down," Fili replied.

"He did what?! Thorin!!" Y/n yelled. The dwarf turned around, eyes cold, as he looked at the fiery haired girl.

"What?" he spat.

"Those are you're people out there! You're really going to hide like a mouse in this place?!"

"Yes. My gold is here, and it belongs to me."

"You're seriously going to sit here with your crown on your throne while your kind die?!" Y/n asked angrily. "You know, I'm not even from Middle Earth, and I know when to step up and take a stand! I don't know about you, but I'm going to try my best and might save your pathetic life! At least I'm not a COWARD like you..."

"Then go back to your pitiful life if you don't like it here. No one's stopping you, imp!" Thorin yelled. Y/n glared at the dwarf king before taking a step forward, her hands surrounding themselves in flames. She leaned really close to his ear, and whispered words that caused chills to run down his spine.

"I could kill you in the blink of an eye, and you wouldn't even feel it. Don't call me an imp." She stormed away, fists clenched at her side. All the dwarves except for Dwalin followed her to a different part of the mountain.

"You alright Y/n?" Fili questioned, placing a hand on her shoulder. Y/n looked back at the blonde prince with tears threatening to spill from her eyes.

"Yeah. I'm alright. Just silently plotting where to hide Thorin's body after I kill him," Y/n joked. Fili smiled, offering her a hug, to which she happily accepted.

"He'll come around. You'll see," Fili informed her, breaking out of the hug and heading away. Moon buzzed towards her, landing atop her head and seeming to pout. This caused Y/n to laugh softly as Moon made an angry buzzing noise. Kili smiled at the the girl with the bee and chuckled softly. Y/n went to a window, gazing out at the battle happening right outside the mountain. Dwarves and elves alike fell, getting killed by orcs. Some of Azog's army attacked the city, and Y/n could almost hear the children screaming. It broke her heart, and she didn't even notice Dwalin return.


In the Gallery of Kings, Thorin heard echoes of conversations in his head as his eyes trailed over the gold covered floor. Voices of himself, Bilbo, Dwalin, Balin, Bard, everyone. But the image that struck him the most was of Y/n with tears in her eyes as she yelled at him.

"At least I'm not a COWARD like you..."

He saw the shadow of a dragon pass over the gold, almost taunting him. The voices rang through his head as if they were wolves attacking it's prey. They were attacking him. He began to hallucinate, seeing himself sinking in gold. If he kept this up, the gold would be his doom.

Thorin's eyes widened as he came to realization. He ripped the crown off his head and tossed it across the floor, and it landed with a clatter on the gold.


Y/n patted Smaug's snout, for the dragon had joined them in the room. Moon slept on a ledge in the sun, buzzing occasionally. Kili sat on the stairs behind Y/n, and she turned when she heard something. Thorin walked towards them, sword in hand. He seemed different...

"I will not hide behind a wall of stone, while others fight our battles for us! It is not in my blood, Thorin!" Kili yelled, walking towards his uncle. Y/n went up to Kili, placing a hand on his shoulder to stop him from doing anything drastic.

"No, it is not," Thorin said softly. "We are sons of Durin, and Durin’s folk do not flee from a fight." They smiled at each other as Thorin touched foreheads with Kili. He turned to Y/n.

"I'm sorry for calling you an imp. You are not one, and I was acting foolish. I guess I need to be yelled at before I came to my senses. Thank you, and I'm sorry," Thorin apologized.

"Apology accepted, my king," Y/n replied, placing her fist over her heart and bowing slightly. Thorin smiled and turned to the other dwarves.

"I have no right to ask this of any of you, but will you follow me, one last time?"

"That's all you needed to say. We're with you, Thorin. Until journey's end," Balin nodded.

"We should prepare. We don't have much time. I have a plan..." Y/n started. The dwarves looked to her, urging her to continue. "I will have Smaug, and I'll exit after you all. We'll be taking the fight from the air, while you lead the fight from the ground. If we can force the orcs into a corner, I can fly by and kill them. With my powers, and a dragon on our side, this should be easy. I hope." She turned to the dragon. "You ready, Smaug?"

"Always." Moon buzzed up and hovered in front of Y/n's face.

"You want to help, too?" Another bus sounded from the bee. "Alright then, just be careful, okay Moon?" Moon buzzed in understanding as they dwarves headed to the entrance, Smaug behind them with Y/n on his back.

"After you, King Thorin," Y/n said. He nodded, and the dwarves released the bell, sending it towards the barricade, ready for the end.


A/N: Another short chapter, but who really cares?? I am actually so surprised that I have written 21 chapters!!! This calls for celebration! 🥳 *Faintly plays YMCA in background* Now then, enough of that. It's getting closer to the end of the movie, where I am TERRIFIED of what my brain's gonna come up with... 😬😬 Anyways, I hope you are enjoying this as much as I'm enjoying writing it!
Bye, lovelies!!

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