Home Is Where You Are

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When Y/n opened her eyes, she felt a warm breeze blow through her hair. Someone across the street gave her a wide eyed look and walked off. Confused, she hopped into the sidewalk to avoid a car passing. Something seemed different, but she couldn't place what.

Everything looked the same, the houses were normal, the trees were green... So why did she feel like something changed? She glanced across the street and froze.

Carter was walking hand in hand with a raven haired, green eyed girl, whom Y/n recognized as Veronica, a girl a year older than her. On Veronica's left hand, a diamond ring glittered from her left finger. She crossed the road and stood in front of them.

"Y/n? What are you doing here?" Carter asked.

"What do mean 'what am I doing here'? I live just down the road," Y/n said. "Hi, Veronica."

"Okay, but I mean why are you here?"

"I'm confused. I was gone, for what, an hour?" Y/n questioned. "How's Hailey. How's Dawn?"

"Um..." Carter began. "Hailey is fine. She's getting good grades, has good friends, she's good. Dawn however... Well, she passed away about a week ago..."

"WHAT?!" Y/n exclaimed. "How long have I been gone?"

"You should go to your parents." Y/n had a grim look on her face as she took off down the sidewalk to her house. She dashed up the driveway and burst through the door.

"Mom! Dad! I'm home!" What's going on? Carter's engaged or married, Dawn died last week, and people keep looking at me strangely." Her mom came into the entrance way and became frozen in place. There were dark circles under her eyes, her hair was in a messy bun, and she looked like she hadn't slept in weeks. Her hand released her mug of coffee, and it shattered on the floor.

"F/N!! F/N, get in here!" Seconds later, Y/n's father ran in and copied her mother.


"This has to be a trick, honey. It has to be. She can't be here," M/n whispered.

"It's impossible for her to be here."

"Parents of mine. Speak to me. What's going on?" Her parents looked to her, with fear and doubt in their eyes.

"Well, Y/n, how do we put this bluntly..." F/n inhaled sharply. "You've been gone for three years."

Y/n's eyes went wide as she heard how long she'd been gone. Three years?! How was that possible? She was only in Middle Earth for just over a year!

"But... How's that possible?" she muttered.

"If you mind me asking, where were you?"

"I was in Middle Earth! I was watching The Hobbit while you were away on that business trip, and I somehow got transported to Middle Earth! I met Thorin, and Bilbo, and Fili, and Kili! Kili is my One, and I told them I was coming back here, but not to come back and be told I've been gone for three years! How is that even possible?!"

"Okay, first of all, you are not making any sense. Second, where were you really? Because the entire world basically has been searching for you. The police told us that you were most likely dead, because no one had seen you, and there was never a ransom if you were kidnapped. Everyone thinks you're dead! And now you just comeback here and expect to be welcomed back with open arms?!" M/n yelled. "You know what, go. I never want to see your face again. I want you to leave. Go. Now!" With tears in her eyes, Y/n turned and slammed the door behind her. She stomped down the driveway and onto the sidewalk.

Pretty soon, she found herself in a cemetery and near Dawn's grave, which was surrounded by flowers of all kinds and colors.

"Hi, Dawn. Um, I guess I'm sorry I wasn't here when you died... But I had the most amazing adventure while I was gone. I met the most amazing people, and I wish you could've been there. The trees seemed to be made of emeralds. The mountains looked to be covered in millions of diamonds. And the people I met were the best part. The kindest people ever. I wish you could've met them... You would've loved Middle Earth. If you're somehow hearing this..." Y/n took a shaky breath. "Take care of Moon for me... He's a bee that saved my life. Anyways... I should, I should get going. Bye, Dawn." Y/n reached inside her pocket and held the rune stone close to her chest as she walked away.

After a while of walking, she found herself in an empty field, miles from civilization. She didn't realize she had walked that far, but it didn't matter. She gazed up at the sky and yelled, "I want to go home! I don't belong here anymore! I want to go back to Middle Earth! Back to Bilbo and Fili! Back to Thorin and Smaug! Back to Kili!" She lowered her head, and saw that the normal golden plants turned to green grass.

Gasping, she glanced up, seeing the outskirts of the Shire. The sun was shining, and soft, white clouds crossed the bright blue sky. She realized her attire had changed, and it made her smile.

She placed the rune stone in a secret pocket, and lifted her hand, sending a fire version of Smaug into the air

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She placed the rune stone in a secret pocket, and lifted her hand, sending a fire version of Smaug into the air. The fire Smaug flew in the direction of the Lonely Mountain, and Y/n waited.

Minutes later, the flap of wings alerted Y/n to new company. She turned around and ran up to the dragon, throwing her arms around his neck.

"I missed you so much, Smaug! Apparently in my world, I've been missing for three years, and presumed dead. So I asked if I could come back, and apparently it worked."

"Well, it is a joy to see you. If you were wondering, it's been a month since you left."

"Huh, guess time moves differently here. Regardless, Smaug, take me to the Mountain."

"Climb on." Y/n obeyed and Smaug took off into the sky, gliding effortlessly over Middle Earth. Over the Shire, Rivendell, Mirkwood, Dale, and finally landing outside the mountain. Smaug let out a roar, and Y/n saw the doors - which they had fixed - open, and the dwarves filling the entrance. Once they saw her, their faces lit up.

"I'm gone for a month, and you all are sitting here wallowing in self pity? Didn't realize I was that loved," she joked. "Well, aren't you all going to come hug me?" The dwarves raced to her, surrounding her in a group hug.

"How are you back?" Fili asked.

"Well, I had been missing for three years, and everyone thought I was dead, so I wanted to come back, and somehow, I came back. Then I realized... My world was never my home. Here with you guys is home. And if you don't mind, I'd like to make Erebor my home."

"Y/n, you are always welcome to call Erebor your home. We're just glad you're back," Thorin said.

"Glad to be back, my King." She glanced to Kili, who had the most lovestruck look on his face, and she winked, causing his face to turn red.


A/N: Yay!! Y/n found out that Middle Earth is her true home, and she is going to stay with the dwarves for a good long while. I still have plans, but not many. I think this book may be coming to an end soon 😑 BUT I will try my best to make it a little longer for you guys. Hope you all enjoy this story!!
Bye, lovelies!!

 Hope you all enjoy this story!!Bye, lovelies!!

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