Battle Means Death... Doesn't It?

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The bell crashed through the stone, creating a makeshift bridge as the dwarves ran into the battlefield. Dain's army parted, letting Thorin go ahead. The dwarves paused,looking back as Smaug stepped out of the entrance with Y/n on his back. The orcs seemed to back up a bit in fear as Smaug roared into the sky.

With a smirk on Y/n's face, Smaug spread his wings and soared into the air.

Dain nodded towards Thorin and yelled, "To the King! To the King!" The army, led by Thorin, Fili, and Kili began to attack orcs, sending the enemy to their death. Y/n sent fireballs to the orcs, burning them in a fiery torture. Smaug copied with the larger orcs, killing them instantly. Y/n glanced down and saw Dain and Thorin embrace, and an orc go towards Fili and Kili. She pointed, and Smaug saw, flying over them as Y/n slid off Smaug's back, landing behind the brothers and swinging her sword at the orc, beheading it. Kili turned, saw that she had saved them, and pulled her close.

"Thank you, Amrâlimê!" Kili praised.

"Anytime, Kili, now you might want to follow Thorin," she said, pointing at the king who was on a ram. Kili nodded, him and Fili joining Thorin on two other rams, along with Dwalin. Y/n flew into the sky and landed back on Smaug, pointing him to Azog, and he seemed to nod. Moon buzzed beside Y/n's head as Smaug soared towards the tower. Y/n slid off Smaug's back once again, landing in front of Azog.

"Hiya! Remember me?" Y/n smiled with an eyebrow raised. His scorched face turned to her as Smaug landed behind him. He was surrounded.

"Yes, I do. You're the one that's going to die first!" Azog shouted in English, lunging at her. Y/n darted up, causing Azog to faceplant into a rock. Y/n laughed while pointing at him. This angered the orc even more as he stood up, wiping the blood and snow off his face. While Y/n was laughing, he hit her on the leg, causing her to fall to the ground, and he hit her upside the head. Her vision went blurry, but soon returned to normal. Of course he had to do that... Surprisingly, she felt little pain at all. She felt the back of her head and a sticky substance covered her fingers. Blood. When she placed her hand back, the substance was gone. Healing powers? Maybe...

"Stay here, search the lower levels. I’ve got this," she heard Fili say. Fearing the worst, she went over to them, only to find they were in a tunnel.

"That's not a good idea. You two stay together. I'll go this way," Y/n told them.

"Be careful, Y/n," Kili said sternly.

"I'm always careful." Y/n kissed his forehead and readied a fireball in her hand, walking away from them. Next thing she knew, she was in the hands of Azog suspended over a ledge.

"This one dies first! Then the brothers. Then you will die last, Oakenshield!" For only speaking orc before, Azog spoke pretty good English. Kili stared up at Y/n with pain in his eyes. She caught his gaze and winked at him. Y/n grabbed Azog's arm and heated up her hands, scorching his arm. Azog let her go, yelling in pain, and she flew down to Fili and Kili.

"You alright?" Fili questioned. Y/n nodded as Moon landed on her shoulder. Soon, large bat like creatures began swarming Ravenhill and everyone began fighting them. Smaug breathed fire, killing half of the bats in one blow. Y/n sliced them with her sword. Thorin began to fight Azog, and pretty soon, Legolas and Tauriel arrived. Y/n shot fireballs at orcs and soon saw Bolg attacking Tauriel. Y/n looked at Kili and nodded. The two of them jumped onto Bolg's bag, stabbing the large orc with blades. Bold threw Y/n off him onto the ground, and held Kili by the back of the neck. He pulled back a blade, but Y/n shot a fireball at his chest. The fire consumed Bolg, burning him into an ashen pile in the snow. Kili fell to his knees, gasping either from lack of air or fear, but regardless, Y/n rushed to his side.

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