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Narcissa and her son Appareated to St. Mungus. Lucius Malfoy was sitting in a bench outside a room. He looked to his wife and son, and ran to them. Narcissa cried so much and ran to her husband, letting her son go. Lucius catched her, and she falls into his arms, making him fall to the ground. He sat and hugs her tightly, with her head on his chest. Draco observed all, he understood that Gemini was really bad, he thought that they were joking on him. He sat in the bench thinking about his attitude, Lucius got up, with his wife still in his arms, and helped her sitting on the bench, next to their son.

"Dad, how is Gemini?" Draco asked.

"Now, you care. When I told you, you didn't care!" Narcissa cried, scaring her son.

"Cissy, it's okay, he could just think we were joking. He is just a child" Lucius stroke her hair, and she lied her head in his shoulder.

"Sorry, Mom, I didn't meant to be like that, I was just jealous" Draco said, his eyes tearing up.

"Lucius, how is she?" Narcissa sobbed.

"I...I don't know... they took her to this room" he pointed to the room behind them. In that moment, many nurses ran into the room, with various medical instruments. Narcissa cried even more and Draco got even more scared and ran into the closest bathroom, where he sat down crying. Narcissa ran after him.

"Draco..." she called.

"What?" he cried, she sat down next to him and took him into her arms, stroking his hair.

"Sorry, I know you are scared too" she apologized, tearing up.

"Sorry too, I shouldn't have said that, now she's dying" he sobbed and Narcissa started crying.

"She will be okay, we will all be okay, I..." she tried to say "I promise" but she couldn't, afraid that wouldn't be true.

"I love her, I can't loose her" he cried.

"I know, Draco, me and your father love you both equality" she said and then laughed "Well, at least I love you both equality"

"I know, I was being a foul" he said.

"You were just jealous" she said and he hugged her.

"Mom why is she always having these attacks and problems" he asked. Narcissa didn't know what to say, they didn't told Draco about Umbridge to not traumatize him, neither Gemini.

"It's complicated, you will know, in the right time" she said after a few minutes of silence. She carried him back to the bench and Lucius wrapped both into his arms. They sat, Draco was sitting in the laps of their parents, Narcissa's head lied into Lucius shoulder, who played with her blonde hair.

"Are you hungry?" Lucius looked at Draco.

"Yes" the little answered.

"Honey, I am taking Draco to cafeteria do you want come?" Lucius asked.

"I'll stay here, in case something happens. Can you bring me a coffe?" Narcissa asked.

"Of course, come Draco" Lucius took his son to cafeteria and Narcissa stayed in the bench. Trying to not think that it was taking to much time. She needed to think positive, that Gemini will be alright. Minutes pass, Narcissa slept in the bench as the time Lucius and Draco came back. The man layed her head in his shoulder, carefully to not woke her up, and start stroking her hair. Draco sat in his father's lap.

Hours later

"Mr. Malfoy, Mrs. Malfoy?" a nurse called. Lucius had fell a sleep and woke up when she called.

"Yes?" he asked slowly, remembering what had happened.

"You can come in" the nurse said, Lucius thought that it couldn't be good, the nurse wasn't smiling.

"Honey, Cissy, dear" he slowly kissed his wife, and she woke up
"Let's see Gemini"

Narcissa got up, Lucius hugged her, she wrapped a arm around his waist and held Draco's hand.
They entered the room.

Another chapter for you, my dears. Inspiration is one the things I have the most, and I know how you want to know about Gemini.
Thank you all for reading, voting and commenting.
If you want something to be told or if you have some doubts about the story, don't worry, I can help you, just comment or send a message!
Love you all💚🖤💜💙

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