"Let me in..."

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Minutes passed as Narcissa and Gemini ended up falling a sleep, the kid on her mother's arms. Lucius sat on a chair by Cissa's side. Andromeda sat, with Dora on her lap, by the edge of the bed. Draco was playing in the daycare of the hospital.
Everything was peaceful until someone knocked on the door of the room.

- Yes?- Lucius spoke, not leaving the armchair.

-May I come in?- a feminine voice asked.

- Who is it?- he says.

A girl opened the door, curly brown hair and green eyes, as she introduced herself:
- Hello, I'm Violet Turner. They paged me here....

- I asked who are you, not what brought you here!- Lucius gets up.

- Wait, Lucius- Andromeda got up as well and stared at the woman.

- Oh, you're the nurse who's really nice! Andromeda Tonks, am I right?- the so said Violet asked.

- Yes. Violet Turner... You're the psychiatrist!- Andromeda smiled, happy for figuring out who she was.

- Hello, Andromeda! What are you doing here? I thought you were on call- Violet greeted.

- Oh, the patient is my little sister- Andromeda smiled.

- Ah, I didn't know you had a sister- Turner said.

- I have two. One older and her, the youngest- she explained.

- What are you doing here, Healer Turner?- Lucius asks.

- Oh, I preffer Dr. Turner, I'm a muggle born- Violet said- And, as I said, Dr. Grey paged me.

- You must have got the wrong room, we don't need a psiquiatrist here- he spoke getting up to face the shrink.

- No, she's in the right room- Lexie spoke as she entered the room.

- We don't need a psychiatrist, Healer Grey- Lucius said, with a very not friendly face.

- Oh, please, Mr. Malfoy! Do you really think you don't need a psychiatrist, because your wife punched the wall so hard I could see the bone and the nerves. I also saw the deep scars on her writs. Don't you want to think twice before saying such a thing? And your daughter, are you sure she's fine?

Lucius' eyes were burning with fire, he knew she was right but his pride didn't let him recognise they did, indeed, need help. He knew how his daughter needed help, and how his wife needed help.
The night where Cissa decided to unlive herself was still very present in his mind, every second of every minute of every day. The moment where Lucius found her, laying in the ground, begging him to help her, laying in a pool of her own blood which just seemed to get bigger and bigger each second. Her voice lacking as she said "Lu... I'm alive! Save me!" tormented him, still. Her weak voice begging him. The dress all covered in blood, and her platinum blonde hair painted red of the blood.
The tips of Cissa's hair were still with a reddish tone, after all this years.

Andromeda looked at him, understanding he was too proud to ask for help.
The little Tonks observed the scene quietly. She was young, but she knew how her little cousin needs help. Dora always said "I'll always look out for you" and she means it, she always protects Gemini. That's why she stood up and looked at her uncle.

- Uncle Lucius, she is in the right room. Gemini needs a psychiatrist, and maybe Auntie Cissy too, that I don't know. But I do know how Mini needs help, and I swear to always take care of her, she's my best friend. So, let Gemini get the help she needs, because you know I'm right.

Andromeda looked at her daughter, pride shinning in her eyes. Then she lifted her head to look at her brother-in-law.

Lucius nodded, not saying anything but he let the love win his pride and admitted Cissa and Mini need help.

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