"Slipping through my fingers"

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After that, the day went quiet. Gemini continued to isolate herself, Draco was just chilling in the living room.

-Hey Mini?- Narcissa opens the door of Mini's room as she sneaks in her head.

-What?- Gemini was sat in her bed, the only thing Cissy could see was her black hair, that began to win curls.

-Can I come in?- she asks.

-No- the child answered.

-I need to talk to you...- Narcissa said as she fully came in and sat next to her daughter to give her a hug but Gemini escaped sitting far away from her. As Cissy looked sadly at her.

-What do you want?- the little girl asked rudely.

-I just want to talk to you! Don't be rude!- the woman exclaims -I'm trying to be your friend, but I'm still your mother!

-Fine!- she sighed.

-Look, me and your father need to go somewhere tomorrow... You'll come with us- Narcissa said, not wanting to tell her four year old she was going to a psichiatrist.

-Why?- the little girl asks, still avoiding her mother's eyes.

-Because... It's a surprise....- Cissy lied.


Then, Narcissa left upset by her daughter's behaviour and went to silently cry in her room. Then, she went to see her daughter and she saw Gemini and Twinky laughing, she went away crying to her room.

-FUCK! Why does she love a house elf more than me?! All I do is to keep her safe and sound and she pushes me away! I am her mother and she still loves a freaking house elf more! I will not tolerate this!- Narcissa exclaims, screaming the first word, while punching the wall until her hands start to bleed, but she still continued punching the wall.

Narcissa stayed in her room all day, in a crying mess, punching the wall and screaming. When, on the end of the day, Lucius got home he found a crying Narcissa sat on the floor in a blood pool, from blood dripping off her hands.

-Cissy... What's wrong?- he kneels in front of his wife worried.

-Mini... She's slipping through my fingers...

-It's okay Cis, we'll get her again

Then he noticed her bloody hands.

-Oh Cissy... Did you punch the wall again?- he asks with sadness in his eyes as she nods -Oh, darling, don't do that! You're hurting yourself....

-And what? I don't care. I DON'T FUCKING CARE!- she says, screaming -You say everything is alright but it's not. My 4 year old daughter is breaking into a million pieces, slipping through my fingers all of the time. My big sister, my Bella, is in Azkaban for the rest of her life, I'll never see her again...

-Cissy... I know Gemini is breaking slowly but you know what? You are already broken, you started breaking into tiny pieces since you were a child because of your parents, then you broke even more when Andromeda got disowned, a little bit more after Sirius was disowned, then after Regulus' death but you were completly broken after Bella went to Azkaban, and I get it. And I love you no matter what, and you have good days, and some bad days like lately but I will stand by you until the end. So, we need to show Mini that we'll still be here when she needs, on good days and bad ones. You always say "Family first" that's what you do, what you always did. You always help others when it's you who's broken. Let me help you, don't give up, not now, we're raising 2 beautiful kids so hang on for them, for our little boy and for our little girl. You are not done with fighting! Because you are Narcissa Walburga Black Malfoy, you're my Cissy, a powerful woman, a strong and intelligent woman who won't rest until her family is safe and sound. So, keep going, for me, for Bella, for Andromeda, for Draco, for Mini, for our whole family!

Lucius gave her a sad smile then cupped her cheeks and kissed her forehead. She smiled through the tears rolling down her cheeks. Her eyes were red of the crying.

-I love you- she whispered.

-I love you too- he smiled, rubbing her wet rosy cheeks.

-Let's get you cleaned up, taking off that bloody dress.

Lucius got up waiting for her to hold his hand, so he could help her getting up. But when she tried to stand up she passed out.

-CISSY!!!!- he screamed as he got on his knees to the  inanimated body of his wife.

His scream ran miles and miles carrying all his saddness. The walls vibrated with that scream. Gemini felt that scream, but mostly she felt it on her heart, her chest hurting from the moment her mother started to self harm but she fell to the ground with pain when the poor mother passed out. The child, worried, ran to her parent's bedroom but what broke her was seeing her father crying over his wife, he was knelt in the pool of blood, the tips of his long blond hair were bloody. The little girl screamed of pain as she looked at the figure of her mother's lifeless bloody body.

Draco, scared, first from his father's scream then from her sister's, ran to the room. He looked at the body of his beloved mother with pain as his inside screamed but outside he hid his emotions, thing he learned from his father. The little boy was as pale as the colorless body of his mother, he didn't knew that in his sixth year of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry he would be in the exact same position as his mother.

-Daddy...- the little girl cried.

Dobby and Twinkle were prepparing dinner but hearing the screams they telleported into the bedroom. Dobby's face stamped with horror looking at the body of the woman who took care of him. Twinkle was horrified with that vision.

-Dobby get Draco! You, the other one, get Gemini!- Lucius took over the situation as he picked up the body and held it. It felt weird, so many times he had picked her up:  first as a boy who fancied a clever girl and was always picking her up as she rejected him, then as boyfriends in the black florest breaking the rules, in third as newlyweds. But now, it was different, carrying a body who was filed with life as she wlays cheered up the whole house, now it was just she had lost all the sparkles inside of her.

Gemini screamed horrified, as Twinky tried to get to her, but the little girl tried to pull away from the elf but the house elf was brave enough to just hold Gemini with all the strenght she had. Draco, on other way, just let Dobby take him.

As they Apparated to St. Mungus, tons of nurses ran seeing the dead body dripping blood. The husband, was so scared, yelling for his wife to wake up. Then the couple's daughter entered the scene, in a crying mess, fighting against the little house elf. Afterwards, it was time for the couple's son to appear, scared as a baby who had just come to the world, but brave enough to pull his sister into a hug and never letting go, squeezing her so she couldn't fight anymore. With exaustion, the little girl gave up, and fell to the floor screaming for her mummy. But the older brother never let her go, he fell to the floor with her, squeezing her against his chest. The girl screamed and screamed and nothing would shut her up. The elfs Appareated away by a sign of their owner.

-Hang on to life, Cissy! You are not done fighting!- Lucius whispered as they took her away in a gurney.


Finnaly updated :)! Missed me? I missed you babies <3

Sorry for the sad chapter, but I will not stop for a while. Anyways, how are you my sweethears?!

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