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Meanwhile, the Tonks sat by a chair in the cafeteria.

- I still don't understand why you insisted for us to come here...- Andromeda rolled her eyes.

- Did you really not see how much Uncle Lucius needed to be alone?- Dora looked at her- Besides, I'm sure Auntie Cissy would really enjoy a cup of tea. And Uncle Lucius was really needing coffee, that man, jeez, such a mess, poor man...

That was the final drop, Dromeda burst out laughing, as Nympha looks at her:
- What...?

- Nothing, nothing- she smirks wiping a tear from the corner of her eye.

That's when a man, brown hair, brown eyes, walked up to them.

- Ted? Oh, honey!- Andromeda gets up and immediately hugs her husband.
Ted Tonks who rubs her back, hugging her strongly.

- I heard Narcissa came to the ER, I immediately came here, you must be so tired. After all, it was in the middle of your shift.

- Yeah... It's so hard seeing her like this, especially after Bella...

- Papa!- Dora gets up and hugs him.

- Oh, hi, Dora!- He lifts her up.

- How's Narcissa?- Ted looked at his wife.

- Awake. But they're taking her and Gemini to the psychiatrist...- Andromeda looked down.

- What? Gemini, isn't she a four/five year old?

- Yup, she's 4 years old- Little Tonks nods.

- But what was wrong with Narcissa after all?- Ted looks at Dromeda once again.

- Little Nympha, go to Auntie Cissy's room, mum will be right there- Andromeda tried to push her daughter away.

- What? No! You think I don't know the truth? I know everything. Auntie Cissy punched the wall until she collapsed- Nympha answers instead of her mother.

- How do you know?- Andie looks at her.

- I have my own ways- she winks with a smile.

- Well, you should know, Dromeda, don't underestimate Dora- Ted chuckles looking at his wife.

- He's right. You better don't underestimate me, you don't know the things I would do when it comes to my family- Dora says, proud of herself.

- Okay...?- Dromeda looks at her husband.

- Papa, are you coming to visit Auntie Cissy?- Little Tonks asked.

- No, no...

Ted Tonks was never, but really NEVER involved when it comes to see Narcissa. Maybe because he had very present in his memory when she and Bellatrix threatened him when they found out he and Andromeda were planning on running away.
Ted was scared of her, even though she is 2 almost 3 years younger than him. He hates to admit it but Cissa is scary when it comes to her loved ones, just like his daughter but he never really noticed the similarities between his daughter, sister-in-law and wife.
For Tonks, Narcissa was a mini version of Bellatrix, and the story ends there for him. On the other way, Narcissa was over it, and in peace with herself. Because, for her, it was just all a mistake and everything is alright now because she has grown up and not a silly teenager anymore.

- You should make things right with Auntie Cissy, people change, Papa- Dora smiles sweetly.

- Yes, honey, it's been a long time, she is not the same person- Andromeda smiled encouragingly.

That left Ted in his head, but was not strong enough to make him outcome his fear of Bellatrix.

- No, no, I'm sorry but I can't. I am here for you both and will be waiting outside but that's it, okay?- he shakes his head.

𝐀 𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora