"I have the best family"

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One year had gone away, Gemini was now 1 year old, Draco had 3. Narcissa quite her job and was always at home looking for her children, especially Gemini. Lucius continued to work at the Ministry, with all the confidance of Fudge, when he met Umbridge at work he closed is eyes and tried to not attack her in that same moment.

Lucius was at work, Narcissa was at the living room with Draco and Gemini. Narcissa, sitting in the black couch, Draco playing in the ground and Gemini crolling around the room, and stoped looking at a portrait of 1 beautiful girl with black curly hair. The baby stood there looking at the portrait, Narcissa smiled and walked to her.
"She's your Auntie Bella" Narcissa smiled.
"Ti Bel" Gemini spoke for the first time and Narcissa laughed and picked her up, spinning her in the air.
"You spoked!" Narcissa exclaimed "Can you say 'Mommy', for me?"
"Mommy" Gemini smiled and pointed at Cissy.
"Who's that?" Narcissa pointed at Draco who looked at her.
"Daco" Mini laughed and Draco smiled. The time passed and Lucius came back.
"Hello family" Lucius said and kissed Narcissa, strokes Gemini's hair and hugged Draco.
"I have a surprise for you, well Gemini have" Narcissa smiled and picked her baby, poiting at the portrait of Bellatrix "Who's that?"
"Ti Bel" Gemini smiled.
"She spoke!" Lucius smiled and then his smiled disappeared "Her first word was Auntie Bella"
"Don't be jealous, she can say other things" Narcissa laughed.
"Who is he?" Lucius pointed at Draco.
"Daco" Gemini said.
"Well, and who is she?" Lucius hugged Narcissa.
"Mommy" Gemini smiled.
"Who am I?" Lucius asked.
"Daddy" she laughed and Lucius hugged her. Then spinned Narcissa in the air "She can talk!"
Draco laughed and hugged Gemini.
"Do you think she can walk too?" Narcissa laughed, in Lucius arms.
"Maybe" he smiled "Let's try"
Lucius sit at the ground and called Gemini. The baby got up and Narcissa held her hands to help her. With that she start talking with Narcissa helping. Lucius opened his arms and hugged his 2 girls. Everyone laughed, Draco joined the hug too.
"I have the best family" Narcissa smiled, lying her head in Lucius arms "Just Bella is missing"
"I know you want her, you will have her, I promise. Maybe the Dark Lord come back to save her" Lucius stroke her hair.

It's a short chapter but it's cute and I hope you like it! Thank you so much for voting and reading. It means so much to me!!!
Love you all🖤✨

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